Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 351, 23 December 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
} • NOTI(E. | LADIES wishing their teatbers dyed i or eleaneil snd eaii have it <Jbrie Sby MRS. WERTHĒHN. 103 Beretaiiia ; Street. * | LADIES wishmg to purify their eomI plexiSm and eradiate tan and freokles will he WJEIB-THfe&S ! Iree ol charge. 103 Beretenia Streetpa^t j the Armory. 317—d3m* j- ■ U Pnblie Nbtice. | Know all men by th>s noiiee that irom } and atter this date, I have this dav digK*harged Mr. H. C.Tflukou, from ārting | as an agent, for me in anv sense frhatin tlje ch»rge and administratic»i i of aft my property, and in the ooUection i oi all dues and rents upon anv and all 1 my estate in this kingdom. Aay one who holds or ig ih possession of anv prooe£ty or »ho has any busia«sa or payments to make t will transact the sttme with me pe at mv plaoe at Homiakaha, at Honolulu, iiaLu. , KAPIOLANII per Jos. Nawahi. Honolulu Nov, 3,1891. d-3a». THE PACIPIC NOVELTT WOBKS, A. HERIKG. Pr6piietor k TTNI)KRTAKES AiL KINDS v>f Carving and Tuming in Woods or Ivory v Polishitig of Sheik or other ornaments, faney Fre«co Paioting. Repairing and Cleaning <rf Musical Instruments, Guo«, ScaleB, and any Light MachineiT. ElectriciaQS, MachinisU and Lock> emiihe, ū'm, Instruments Modefe, eeii iaade to order. Hemolulu, 345 tf—ā.