Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 351, 23 December 1891 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
H' We hold tliat nprightand honest manhood. «wi not the posseesiov of wealth, arbitrarily fixed, shoold c r - the right to vote lor noblea as welī a representatives, and no more 4 power should be aeeorded to the ballot of the rich than to. the ballot of the poor man. The diserimination in fa.vor of -weallh now made in our Constitution is contrary to all the eternal principleB of right and juf?tice, aiid must be aholiah-, ed. To this end, we will favor a levelr ing of the preeent distinction of wealm and rlaf?ses whieh blemish our law? with respect of the right to vote for nables, thereby restoring to the natim - Hawaiians piivileges whieli pertain to Ihem in their own country, and of whieli feliev have been uniustly deprived. -
12 W e favor the expenditure of suffiweeil mim to ?eoure a number of needed puhlie improvements on Oahu and other i Islands: raifroads and harl>orā i and wharvee, puhlie light y and also a I thorotigh syatem of, reservoirs and | .water-worfcs J not only for but | through-out the other lelands. "