Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 351, 23 December 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That Chinese justice in lieu of Hawaiian injustice the' "agQßt"-and | the 4, sugar barons" who.. were interested in squeezing out a few pennies out of the : jpoor $ hard working |laborer. ' 'Go to now ye rich meft-(sugar barons and your l agents') and howl for your miseriee | that shall coole upon you." !
That the lijitle notice whieh the Chineße govemment has taken in some of our| ''a£ents" friends in China, may lba& that phlegmatic government to take a further step in the matter and seek to enforce a little justice where it is' wanting and where the article heretofore has bēen "coTisidered a matter of merchandise and is exnediency."
That a whale, eh,treed the hippodromc reporter of the P. C. Advertiser. Th: sis the, first instanc€ of the 3Bviīitian running a B?oog up a tree, though ithas been known to swallow a man before. Historians, please note these as a matter ©f fact, an unu sual phenomena, and one ofthe signs of the times. That the F . C. A. is after the Mar£haFs scalp;' to send on to the Columbian E s;position. giving as a reagon for t]iis uiichristian - like conduct, tbat. the.J. < big-llljun , ' of Hawaii nei Bū ust in some way be represented the World's Fair. It is believed that this representation of Hawaii'e great men. will be more complete than the*entire carcasses of the ]>resent and the preeedi«£c precaiors.
That some of our politicßl fnends is beginning to think that übolodics" ig as witrm as hades, where Stone are mcdten and Bowl(d)ers, are ground ast fine as plasterersV eement, ThattheDuke of Argyle is in p raying to haeten the day when he wiJl be hoonie Prince Arekie: Our gr?iitijess now-a-davp layij not iu doing good but in scrainbjing o w one another. Such is life. That undej* the exiBtmg rotten system of aj>pointing ofticiaJs the people eannoi; have who they like for Bheriff of Hilo any more than they. who wish it ean have the Sheriff of Hawaii to be MarsduU of the Kingdoni t vice Wilaon, uoi resigntfd.-
That Fort Street Church nutured _ m -its time, ie an undisputed fact. but we hope it will mend when it gets it#j; new habilaments on,' and accepts the ordianee of bapti»m by immersion inetead of sprinkling as a„part of its creed. For verily I say unto thee ? NicQdemus,unleBB thou art bom of water aod of the gpkit thou eanßt never 3ee the Kingdom of God. v % That Bome one heard a whale j spouting in the Hotel-BilJjard Par- : j lor the other night.
That the lesson of the handwriting on the wall is as good now as it ever was, and nothing but rejsfentanee is thē antidote, as was the case with j>oor Nebucadnessar v _ ■_ t after he had been let out to pasture 1 for a season.