Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 350, 22 Kekemapa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That Boston Smilh'a Hawaiian treaty wifb is by latest Be*s acuepted at W&skingtem. But wto*e does the consent of the Native Hawaiian eome ie/ „ That H«n. R. W. Wilcox *rill return by Friday, affcer making thp» circuit Qf Hawaij. That the Hawaiian Sunday School teachers a| KauiStkai>ihbeifi| supplanted with white missionary ( teacherB. A corresoondent asks, is it becauseelection is coming on. Eeho savs very likely. * .. That < 'Hunger-Bread," made of tree bark, powdered peae, goosefoot, and 6easoned with dried dung, is what the professmg Christian world , feeds starving Ruseia wkh. That there is a deficit or differonee in the accounts of one of the subordinate hureaus of the govern— ment. of $12.000, at leaat; and it is no wonder that there has heen so inueh ftnxiety and feeling in the succees of certain elections lately^ and a cry ior more. * , ■ ' BL \ j That Captain Ross drew out the respouse from Johnny that tho Helele or Mcssenger was bought by to keep it oot of the hands ofdecay. *

That Petej saya that the Chiaf Jastice is th|e higgest politican in the country: whieh if trūe is al more reason for the adoption of our plank in the platform tp_.eleci cers. We, jsays Pete. have to, pay their salaries, but We have no vofee in their appointment; thus argnes Peter, anel h ! is arguments aresound. ' ; < ; - v ' : l : -""■■''V■ v - : -'' ■"''■ : : ' ~"~hT ' ■ -. ... That Bow|er if absent from the street corners down town horing some one, ean he found ae the doo> stepts of a certain Stone Gathedral, i heggi ng for political blessi ng. h ■:&":i : ; ■-/; . That Ah Young is nomināted a Nople for Hawaii, to deraonstrate to ihe unimtiated the beauties of monarchical and the usefulneg3 of republican pnnciples. Youhg i3 o!d in some of Kis hydeah ? s. That at laSt ineeting of the Unioiji, people on th® streets thougfht that Bowler was being mūrdered, when really the latter was only squirming under a straight forward soft impeachment made by John RodS that the Tsnion shoald deny as a body, whatithe Elele published a8 a fact,that the Umon wanted to be itf coliusion with the Reform Party. | This of course touched ara w spot, an& made Bowler howl and froth at the mouth, that's all. nothing | more. The devil will have his little jokes f anyhow. That the iriends of our cotemporary of the P. C. A., subscribed for and bought Mm a keg of sugar, in order to sweeten his surcharged dispositioa, but were. astonished to find oot that it instead of ajmoliSying eflfect. Tbat the International League will hold their regular meeting this'| evening as usual.