Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 349, 21 December 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That tbe Stone thrower of tbe Messeuger fa 'f t> make a hull'e eye even at <alBe eolow.

That poor Johnny is grovving wiii}' ās the prpspects of his not j n elected <v| Hawaiian Noble in ths coming <?l£etions grows less. - the N;ji.tional Liberal League will hold j its regular evening at llobinson's Hall: !

That the I'Messenger M is only another term jfor a carfier or gobetween, and jis in fact, being nsed tq make bargain with the lieform *Partv for the jbenefit of its patrons and at the cost of the Meehaniek Protective Union.

Thāt A- Drier, is nominated a Reform on Kauai, to take seat in 4 'August." and W. O. Smith. A. Wilcox and Apokai to be repregantatives for|Lihue, Hanalei and Waimea, resp!ectivejy; These are the slave driv|ers of the Reformers.

That complication are -ansing among the spoiismen in the kiki ®ridge cbmbination, would be bighly to the people, whose sack is in consequence. j

That there is unsāyory £&ssip,'gt>* concerningatte«*p|;- : dealing by the Inl&!Qr * Office in connection with a stM|) of i' land joining pn to the Bolafcer pro-!.īpertv/.::^-;Av;īV

That from the tone of the Meehaniea Protgctive Union onThur&r day night last, there has been unwarranted use of its name to fufther personal interēsfes and patronage.

That because Mr. Ashfprd cannot and will not be made u«e of by any party, ihe Miesionary Reforaa and the Bo"ndle Reform-they now tee no>j;ood in him.