Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 349, 21 December 1891 — The Sugar Monopoly. [ARTICLE]

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The Sugar Monopoly.

r"'ni;iking bids for theinfluence(.f r £ u rner {X)litic&l opponent, we the J}lele of last Saturday. supporting t.he aims of the patrous of t ; party. lt seems to diseovor j> . of a sudden, a warm-and strong %y m pathy for it« former bittcr poliri :<; 1 opponent. This kaleido»;opic movement of our c#ntemporary and former compatriot, sbowg plainly the position of that sheet, i:s patrons, and its frothy and t • vescing little agent, the pl*ast e regret to »ee the onee warin •pponent of the Refor* Party turning a elean soqamersault, and likea »<?ndicant staading before the alt«tr of mameaon, with its outstretch«d b:uids and open palm3 ready to receiy& \tsquid pro quo.