Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 348, 18 December 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
* '"* KOTI€E. LADESS wiehmg iheir feathere dyed «r elean«a and curled eaa hav« it doae by MRS. WERTHEtta. 103 Beret«ii«v Streefc, • JLADIES wishing to purifv the£r eo»»Pton and cn*iiate taa a®d freckte -WiU he by MHS. W£EwBHN free of chai*ge. 103 Be*etania Street past theArmoir. 317—<13&* V* ■ '' t , Fabiic Notiee» KnewaU men by tb«B norice that frow and after thie date, I have this d»y chaiged Mr. H. C. Ulokoo, fram aeliaK ae an agent, for njs inany seaae wh&> ever v in thech»rg<e and &dininistratioji °i property, and io the coUection of all duee and rents upon any ami all my e6tat» in thie kingd<mi. . A»y o»e wijo holdB or iein posee«ion f anv property or who kaa any bosiiiem or payment« make, wiU tnuas»ct the with me |>ersonaUy. at mv. plaee at Homia*aha, at Honolnlu, <&hn. r KAIPIOLANI. , per Jos. !?sawjlßJ. HonolnUi Kov. 3,1801. d-Sni, TBE PACIFIC NOVELTY WORKS, A. HEEINO. - Proprietor. TTNDĒRTAKES ALL KIND§ of Carving ai>d Turning in \Voods or Ivorv, Polishing of Shelis or ctUer ornaments, fAncy Pre®co Paifiting, R€j*airing and Cleaning of Musieal Instrunvents } " (*uns, Scales, and any Light Machi«ery ElcctriciaQs % Machinists and Lock« smith& Oie©, Models, oct^toade to order. Gire us a trial IS2 Fort Btreet. Honolulu. : tf—d.