Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 348, 18 Kekemapa 1891 — Harry and the Hula. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Harry and the Hula.

That Henrv beinj* all legs and arms declares himself. phvsioally ta l£sru , tho* poetrv <->f niotiou or hnla KuL an& that he is? only fitted to be a lii<r^*kiefcet. That we $yuipathis4 witli our fellow editor of Iho P. Cl A. in his pliVBical defeetion for the huhi hii, b«t have hope» that if hft will over to one of 0. B's lady tenants, a daughter of a famous hula teach> er. he may overcoine tho .diDioulty .18 otiiers ;is unj*ainly before him have. That y< s*erday moriving's Ad\*ertiser say that Harrv. thc eanmn teaclier, Upped a k, Bladder ,% in lii« ire, and gat its limpid coutents in his face; and ikw' blames 0. K. tor the whole atlair.

tliat Har y * s 'an joker, »ait takes a repartee.. Purii,anically, Bee Hula.