Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 348, 18 December 1891 — Honi Soit Qui [Illegible] Pense [ARTICLE]
Honi Soit Qui [Illegible] Pense
Heory €. first accDsed us of advocating the bula, in the P. C. Advertiser,because we creAited the - teachers of the Latter Day Saint's Cbureb at Laie, in our speech befoTe ttie peoole 6f Koola\iloa with teachiag something that fajLin advance of the native hidq, t or Hawaiian dance. Be it rememhered »eans dance. and that I Mr. Castle 4nows what it ijieant, and when he irisinuated something entirely different from what we meānt, and in his pharisaic manner endeavored to show his super~ ior Christianity over th« people of Laie, and our grpater depra,vitv, thouf h usder the httle joke, he Binaply waa showitJS a <ieeper*debMseraent than. he accuses the- u edHo3Pvof tbo Bladder. yclept Ka Lbo," as the ehoioe and immaculate it. We likē a jok%, &«td toour leei and unMIM liUle. 6currility at . ahd*Jri» aly thrust at the Morwon ChriHtianB 0| Laie, as one,.and retur.ned it in like eoin, when, lo! horror of horrors» we are dubfoed a | t4 Bladder," (very chaete) and "debaeed. M Jhe heart of our friend, we are afraid, is inelin&i to be "desperately wicked," as shown hy th6little insinuations whieh bubble up to tbe surface oecaeeionftlly and ahowe ite jaundiced color on the feature of the , immaeuliaie'Henry and r in printers gall in%e P. C. A. We, howe*er, sympathise with Henrv, as a«promising thodgh over educated y©ung man, whose education has educed all the sap in theyoung ftappling. and bas left nothing but conceit in an eiupty Caatle, ■ that might otherwiße have proved a sturdy rpundhead after the aneient ancestral true.