Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 347, 17 Kekemapa 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

K3fIC&. VJ&.f* n £SZ StlQUl. LADI£S te purify their eomplexion and cradiale tan and iredkles will he instucted byMRS. WEOTHERN free of charge. 103 Street j«gt tb« Armory. 317—d3m* PublicNotice. Know all BND \& th?B noticethat and a?ter this datej[ have thia day dfechargea Mr. H. C. Ulokou, from acti»g . as an Lgent, far me in any senB6 ever, in thecharge and adxauustrstion of all my pivo®rty, andia the eolleeUon of a!l d«>c and r«ol8 opon any and all my£6tate in this Amy one who hoMS or k in poeMion °f any pwerty or who h» w ho^ae r pay»entB to auOeo, wiU thd eame with m personalW. at my plaoe »t Honiiaaaha, at HomMo, tMhxi; KAPI&LAI& per JoB. Nawahi. Honolulu Kov. S, 1891. d-te. A. HBRING, H. PACL\V THE. PACOTC NO- - KJKBS l 'of Carving and Ifttroin£ in I W«dds or Ivory, Pt>lishing ofSheUs iarother ornaments, f*ncf Fmco | P*inting. %nd Cte&nit»s of Muookl lasiruaHits, Scalc*H and «ay Light M&chln*n\ £loctricutn&« Maehinkla and Loēksmith& Dns, ln9trumeate > ModĀ, eot, m>de to ordrr. WĒ* GiwviaatrUa. FoH Hooolulu. $45 tfUd