Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 347, 17 Kekemapa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
Thaiall honeet mechanics will stand fashfully by their. old party colors. That poor man Friday looked all Bhrivelled up, when C. W. A. waa embeHishing the purlice hossifers. ; That the Ohioeae liue repairers of the tram cars ompany, will have the company'9 name changed to the Hiv\Kawor Honkong T. C. C, That P. L. Huntsmat\ wiil noi obligod to go by tho wav of Canadfi, afi aōme of the early birds who landedon Hawaii'» bcach, wiih cmpty grip sacks lookmg tor elama to give the empty home a surprise pafty.
. Tfcat ibe Efefo>is not e?en ' 4borrowed" for mental neea, but u largely in den)āQd for pbysical purposes. That some [of the Albatross' % raen took deep of tne dopetrade on the |lslandH/ - ' i •' ■ ■ : • •v' " • That the Bulletin liar is after Busb at his lair. It is the old story of the brayin£ ass and the sleeping lord of the Bish, That there!are several matters to be beard from the Bidleiin. That the editor seems,i to take ofF more.than he ean ehew.l • Tfeat the corner 3ot applied for by the administration of the Bolster estafce, is» that on the. corner of Merobant and Richard Streete. ■■:> -W--That C. Wl Ashford's learned disquisition on the barning political questions of the day, discoants Horner ? s longwindēd advpcacy of his banking bill. That C. Wi Ashfprd has a very great respect for the judiciary, beeauae he has to have a very great respect for the judiciary. "K That tbe B onolulu Poliee Station Code of law is as capable of ex--pansion as t3ie Hitchcock private : : -CQde.;/' That a certain haek driver was arrested for alleged' drunkenness, and after being inoarcerated was tried and ae adduced before the j Court. on tbe testimonv of a poliee ; Captain, adjudged guilty on very slim evidence. After tweuty days m the reef, m lieu of his fine, h*e is now trying to fit\d out what kind of a drunk he was on. The beet way is not to toucb the eup tbftt gives temporary exhi'©ration for twenty days of humi' liation.
That Bish©p WiUiB has started »vnagitation for reform in tbe treatment of Leprosy. whi&h 3B{roortB the jeaders of the Hawaiian people. The idea of a Board of foreigners, and an examing Board, of the •ame, to carve, cut, slash and oon» demn the raee to a life of decay, without the ohanee of amelioratiag their condition ifi fearfal and an outrage.and would not be tolerated by any oth«r nationalitv, except the heretofore submissive Hawaiian.