Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 347, 17 Kekemapa 1891 — How Funny. [ARTICLE]
How Funny.
Nearly two years ago, we were led to believe, tbat of all Kiea, Mr, Bowler, was the Worst treated by the Reform Party, «nd m facfc, by every bsiy m this countfy. Bnt ainee thit iime. we bave learned how eaid|y hooest and well meaoing meo pe duped by«ttch frothy and martyrs. To hear John*£ periorating on the«J3fifetißgs of bifl.c«untrymen and*the monBtrc« of tha toeatroent to whieh thsy aff Bubj6oled, v«dd d|i»<be<ni« of his hearer. We h»vfeoffouod ourselvee choki&g, and I%ti3y t&tv«d when the $onl in its fiymp|kthy has been drawn in limpid *esponae to the thrilUng tale of Icos»iid Buffering ae depicted in #*&s£oiie 0f ite toest son — the noble Emmertr by the actor, Bowler. Were it not for his size, Bow!er, woold be a peer, in every res* pect to Booth, As a plasterer he misBed his vocation, he was boru an actor. We believe him eapahle of attainingtlie aeme of thatimmitative art and that of playing buffoonery, bnt never more to deceive the Ha< waiian,