Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 347, 17 Kekemapa 1891 — For Sale. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

For Sale.

Last SatarcUy's issue of-ihe Elele eomee out in doleful aad piteons tones, and aBsnmes to auctioueer the Meehaniee and Workißgnoen of the country The knayery of the patrona of that poor and friesdlem renanant t>f a otifiiBtrfttiōn, the ElajLēt fcr@ thelr fao6t to prevent the|r Uneiion by betraying the It | *penly oSerB, through £he lāel# to! seil tbe National Party, Hawaiian ««d Foreigcer, whieh tbey fondly in;agine th«y represent aad control. %ey hc4d oat m an indo«ement to the oniy buyer in the field of | tica, tho Reforra Party« the neoee*; sity of raliyiog and oombining witlii thf*m» ae a el&sg, to oppoae thej Bush-Wilcox faction, meaning thej maßBes, and tbe Hawaiiana in paitf ticaiar v . I After having bēen borne ifito power, more by the eflhrts of ihn\ Wilcox-Bush factioo, than by any other, the patrone of the »onde-i eenpi SWi« are now endeavcuring to agam tt>attipulate the nomination6 for the i&Goming election oo»teBt for wMm and representatiTes» Knowmg that.they are to ali pur-1 p®*eiß aa dead m candidates fair meana, they ard now making' the eSort through their hirelings to flCMrea nomination bv affiiiating and foriuing a combination with leadere of the party against whom they were onee openly and are stili Becretly dejdly opposed to r politically and socially. ' But "=&o great is tbe desire of these patrons of the Elele to obtain seats in ihe next Legielaturc, that thcy aie even willing to stari class f#ehng, whieh they proft6s to dcprecatc and try to fatiicr ofi to Bush aml 9 Wilcox, as evidence<i by their invitatiorv to their ibrmer political oppoaents to band theniselveB together in oppo:*!tioii as u cJ«ss. The (t>eappointnH !l *t ofthesf patrons of ihe EiVle> wūo are j>rinoipally old fb#siJs and mosa sgrown iii\tidituvi:»ns. h;tve tuude them very •>itter uijainH the Bush - Wileox f:»ction, hmiupe they 'latter Will be iio niorc the wHUng fbUowers of

these trickBters and -p!edge breakers who onee were allowed tō take the lead out of respect to j and a mistaken WliefTind eincerity in their integrity. • These ,treach- j erous and underliaoded professing fi iends of the maBses, and more es-1 pecially of the native Ilawaiiane. to whom some ot them are allied bv malrriage, are now, in the very bitterness of. dispair and <3isappointament, willing to sell honor and self respect, to defeat and avenge themselves on those whom their own crookedness4»has lead to look upon them astraitors. • The Bush-Wilcox faction never made anythmg b/their connection with these would be leaders, and back-scuttl,e politicians. They have never had the courage and openhandedness of an honest man, and placed themlselves on record as do publi<2-characters 'm other countrbs. Thefr meduocre eompels them to hire mea, to battle for them, and to villify those who are honestly struggling for their rights. Thev are like the cowardly assassin» who lacks physieal and tnoral courage, and has to hire a poor, unfortunate trash v who is otherwise unahle to help himself, and uncler his name and disguise, to play the role *f tho Mafia. To these and to theii anrl wflling tools, weSidadieu temporarily and lsave them".to %e workings of their oUn evil eonsciences.