Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 346, 16 Kekemapa 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

NOTJCE. LADEEB wiabing their {estt»n 4ve4 omad <w» h»e.it <teae np. WEKMEUN. l<*Berefam« fetre©t. JLADIĒB wiehing to pnriffr thnir eooi* plexion and cradiate in4 frecklM wiU he metQcted by free of charge. 108 Berotepta 3treet past the Armory. T Sl7r~cSni* Pukiie N<ytiee. .. Koowallmeaoy this noticethat frcan lliave thie daj diseharg9d Mr. H.,C, Ulokoa, &Qm auHae a6|Q i» un t ßeaabHS£ eyer 5 in theduwge aad &dmb^jh^ōn SSSfflßL"3«Bffii mye6tateinthie v , Any ohe wweewha wy pw^^ho v g*m%Am. pe*Jo9iM*m MBk Honoiulu jyßBl. <*^n» 4 vf i. nmine. " M. pa!ii.v. THE PACIHC NO- - WOBKS, UKDBRTAKES Al.l. KINDS of Carving and Turning iii \VoodB or Ivory, Polishing ofSMi »>r cther ornau>entB, f«ncy Freeoo Pwnting. Renairiog aad CleaQiQg of Musio&l" liiBtraiiwatB, Go&s, and nny Lifht Machlnenr. Ēlectricians, Maohi»«s4Sv&ad Lock~ sniith& Dfes, Instrumentss Mo<tete, ect„ cnade to on3br» t/tT Oive ue a £reel> Honolula. 345 if-4.