Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 345, 15 Kekemapa 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERALA PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


PklNeiPl-E OF <«ok'ffttSMKXT AND 1. W> *!«em u»j all f^wun«nt MHmM Ih x oik the pnaeipW of hilvrty, akni Fratehiity; w»

! !v s ve ;lh '.1 $ *'• r« ? a«ftt by. thp ii ilw, Pe»ij3o. aiiid fvh*n-rt iH'n'omi'»! \k- welFftr\ tlie|' ta<iy ;e3Us*&i^* f-Fma at*d €ētebph 'mor&_ sent €oaa|itatS&§ Urs- : 'e'• ' " aud &4kvd* fw ndqpiisa q{i» Mjr<attt %be |ba

its.aat4^«iy: ia«ler with, !Wers s «ad" - with?he d# AKienea, shoaid be revisefl. so asl& bēfler meat present Beeeesittes and Jo ©btfd» mom eq«ftabl« advaßlages in exchangeol fchose

3. ;Gur Jwdidi trv systeTsJ and Coāe ©t ProQeduie"4jiwst be^b«&!tfce k <jl t©« thorpngh rev4gfioS, 50 aa to: a ehe&p and proittpt adn: m istrat iio4©ljugfcfce free of a3l sectarjafi* or.patis&£ĪsplriV [ ren<fc>r. Jhe Jiu!ge& .mot& pons'iWft toftlie Pe6ple; *nd~sVe are Ln K'.vt»r ($a >ibcral of> f the fr<:edtrn. «{ *pē*l*-iuui thepress.

4. A more |ns;taiifi perTect : gj?etenr.of | Tuxation, &e jna^t;urated:" tho pH«ent %. iiHikli t&« pr<>pert|r tbe pqqV i$ exce&i»Yēty, wliit§ mueh of thq-£K&s&*t**s goodßam6^r^T^e^'^a^Bßan4a| #*»% wfll «fore «esßtD thmr J«āt propoaE^teJ«-;tffitie] fe«rdj3ns* imipi-i & im' =ot fogjf&%' oH* t&mmSp a āi3te&& ie fevi«d ū t*» tijs «eual aBs«i9?Bf»e **» be ppportion w* '&& i&mitf of the soil. ,Wft; gha3l aWM «&r tahlish£ieiit*of a jtaco&)e $sx, and thiis expeet to obtaift *xsp& !or oomlneting tb&. goveriim§Bt smā»U tendiag t» aU nece«si*rv puMie raents wit!iout a&3T farioep ea¥ls ontfee masses. ) . -*' .

5. We shaU übe ©ur effcris to obtaiii ?:uvg hv whieh »lifevorltBßm i» the go*ei nmeni aud all monopal iea, tresta «nd prtvileges to $*& be rcodered by and mandatory statutes. • » 6. fiett«r lawe sfe>ttl<i C& vil Stervice. Hie nr£ziciplfe ol th%tnrir ; ti«m oi q®c&b the goverasHS*t-% | tbe people Bbould s*6&m \mm ehooM be allowed to JW|ir [ thaa 00« offic* of ffepfifc, \ B^S3SĒ cnrro«r awt»frt)juD ogCT»«MiBhw>, 7. l?e are m fewojr of eg£oareg&g -#11 home am?«idtiire and «apiail our nitiw imAu&e; lita *&*,; <#&&; bn pmliiKiā aod !ost»edhf bitĀer tariff iaad>&l9o tt nan^k in its contraets aad pi : ; «§9n* c*ea? kw?«rted «wa«Si • :7hNNM|^: . ' 8, We more dom» of<Ahu ; cfelva & mimg rnMw t rfeto& iMfh*yB for the Soa>rce« * fod * wjuit4» Tn fnct» the lu>reby givins h traliti*3 :mo9t important crif th*lr hysl »111 iitt|»] leonl J FROTRrTK>3 "X)THS »♦ mib*ii<wadtVm »12 immiīi tenilir.g to <M«M£tloh ōf tibe «H)t injnring *qy ve«ted aiala, i« «fl l*ws tow^\^atpl^r^rfaftr whieK wiU*to^agmti(ihwNlil &ssr3^^jgt th* lnt»K«t tfd» M«i»jnimiSm Sj

'Uil ; tog the df Uiq sollfe : .- "' - * -- * - '--'■ J *r S *-■-»••-4 >- l "

SlS£«SāWiii t&e rigfet to vote |f>r .* nofele« &|l| j&~ teepp9?*atative3 r an«i iw |pqW £tfCorrlcd tp the ba3J<*t nf tbe Ha'in Uiaii* to ■ r -Mi!nt -, -?f. tlfrppor man. The iliscrhHitiatk»i iii £a\oOi wēaith īiēw m»de.£n ftōr jtatisß * i» i> Ā2l *>t rjght and *^as2^&fe| «d.- Tlo wCa ing <s£ tt®,fe?e©ej|t o£ ■••