Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 345, 15 December 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That tho big Prcwier fondJy when a rh:»nge ocrurs, Yijx wi 11 \ aifain t ho nf n But hial popularity i? gone, h« has all«>wt l d hin* self to lx i 'lielal hI to l»y toutonip <'rank? :«n<l ih; bv wire j»allor<: lie hos s!>own ;i (•oi«l-hen-rt-i 1 rt ' t hircatmont ol'! y \ i •... I. »!;•. avs ipn '*»r- ! ; > :'.•• " 'M' !•« ■.i: ■' r* ir,» .tp: ri:t. ■>. •. h' ■. is j,..t -Ue lio»v\ I :• \ • . ,v r ■:**■■ ■■ ' (y\* ; ,\*' ; • . ' I 1 " ' :•* • :■ : ' : 1 V ( ,V tw :'l) ■ :1 I".•»!>-. - - i -. • j _. ' '•■■ ; Mro!i:i-r. \\i)i f T\rn 4rWr> 1 !>• •'.! !}:.• (ro.;('hori»UR 1 :. v :

ih® Adfert?Sf»r pnntt»4 <y| p«r with one e%tr;tct, fr» & *'•« P&f8&: > wfpk. ; lustr;.ted with, h tfre 1> ;TM#.t wo t r t<> t •:. \r ft l?w dh ottr sUtut«-.4 m ..ilar t«* French hw-th;it ci>n)j»i'!s:» n£.yiB}'rf>»>r; when j lt~attacßs ii.i indiYi(i>i ■ 1". tu t giv«J 'plaep to hjs atiBw+r ordi-VnW Then 1 th« A(lvertiser won!d j>n»bably hny«* y more respect for jouriialistic itles.

Tbat tbe nmrnlag Aclirort*BBr 1 l;news more abont Americ»« traffic mā oolitica than tbe gre&t MeEini«T, and Jimmy is a piem; oar onljr H«nry. We tmgt aamt Amgri^,&f^ttroteofcmn īhe jouTualißts of ouf iittle !illiput, eM &pd Bobby IfcaKans are jiofc goqti" ln&Rta, a

The Advertiser in its pharasaical OGoiplacency ib meau enough to atiaōk.KA Leo and tbe Bnsh-Wilcox ' faotion, būt is not honorable enough ! to answcr an honest demnnd for an 1 explanation of its villificatifji3S. 1 1 Thi£ is ono of the contemptible ehai ractPPist-ios of—our poiiiieal <lmis- ! Kiooarv. ,!

! TV»t 1"-; ; f »~ wr»tf vf bojie£ter ;"> H.'-* . ir • o fcir^d in j ; t!-:n I'.! vv f >,?.V. _ , j TI: it K x Lf<* i« re;-d all ovsr-j I ih anel in rverv leading | e.'Ay vf tlre t T nited States.

That the Native Bons of Hawaii, joined that for social purposcs and they resSfrt J. A. C. and J. L. K. ta uset them for political purj>oses. Tbe native fions are true blue to tKeir co«ntry, the Lahui and the Nalional Liheral Party, and will not &llow the lead of deceitful Hawaiian politicians who would eell them out to the Missionary Reforrn ?arty.

That the hearij ©f a cenuette is like a' rose," of wliieh the 3overs pluek the le£ves loHving only the thorns for her huaband.

<» T hat he was onee eon-in-law now fce is grand-Bon-m-law,-and so aooe. How sad t how strange, the hnmaa animal acts at tlmes.

That as it was ia the fire eleeti©B, 80 will it Win th« geneatl electionn df February next. '

Tbat the Rev. Kahponei, under the samo ing|iratian that iuspired Judas to ®iaster t is trying to seti his yarty, ■ professing ignorance all the whils. That tho cditop of the Etele 4*ave to fu«e thelr j and wit at u»« under covrr a Stone# TEiB # xißual with tbe wkUe livered kuni of editors w% like the jaokal takoB tho oovor of |night to gnaw at tho lion's leavings|