Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 344, 14 Kekemapa 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

W, ii" 1 'm,^:;3 8. We ēes!re a more liberal polknr &»• warde tbe different Xsia T !ds.of tae h mg- . dom, ouieiae of Oaiiu; tbey sbouUi re~ ceive a fairer pmj>ortion ōf the pKibhc raoneye for the dev* lopniftnt of thfir re~ sources and tiie sati«factirn of tiveir wants: In 'iaei, tfce priaciple of Jocal belf~governujeiit Bhoaid he extended, whereby giving loealities »jay ehpt.ge the toost importaut of their loeaī executive ofiicers, and 3evy taxea for the p«rp<*ge 1 eal im»FOvements of a oubiic oatare. PROTECTIO v TO THE LABOURING CL ASSĒS 9. We ahali endorse al}T -* tending to inaprovēthe condition of the working clasees. ahd cons«|uently, wit"hout injuriDg āny vested righta. we wfll advocate laws to prevent all further impsrtation or employinent' of contractlabor of 'anv kiod, upon conditions whieh will bring it into a rninous and degrad!ng competition with free llawai ian or wnite labor, We shall also, m the interest of the better protection oi the poor,ask f#r more hbera| exemptions of their property from forced sale on execution, aud from seizure in bankruptcy proceedings. BMALL FARMTNG AKD HOME STEADS. 10* Thewealthy fraction of our population have hitberto prevented the development of an independent elass of cjtizeaa; the pobiic lands have been acqitired and have been tied up in a few hands or parcelled to 6oit favontes, and emalī farmerg and pīanters have been dr*ven ont by corporations or eomhmalione of — capitalistebnt as small farming ī« eonducive tothe stabdlitv of the Btate, it shonld pe enc©uraged by a new and more liberal Homestead act, by wheh the ownerehip of small tracts of land and the settlement thereon of families of our present populatiot<,—andespeciali ly of the native Ha\vaiians who, have ■heen-.le.it ahnoHt homeless in therecoun-try.-teii.ould bo rendered poss.ble. l'o that end, the Government and C» - own lands ( in so far as ean he done without invadīnj; vested rights ) should be devoted as soon as i>ossible to homestead.°. aml conferreil upon boila-fide be.ttlers froe of taxes for a limited penod. It should bethe further aim of government to, at oaee, so far improve the means of transport. tion, —loeal, national and international, —as to provide, in all the districts, eheap meane of conveying the pr®duct_:of the soil to market. KLECTORAL RIH(irT 11. We hoM that uprightand honest. manhood, and not the 3?osseesion of wealth, arbitrarilv fixed, should conettthe right to vote ior nobles as. well a= representatives, and no more power ?hould be accorded to the ba!lot of the rich nnn than to the bailnt of the poor man. The discrimination i» favor of wealth now made iri onr Con?titution is eontrary to all the eternal prfnvtpW of right and justice, and must he aholishTo this end, we wiil favor a leveling of the present «listinctlon of weaith and elasses whieh blemish our laws with respeot of the rightf to vote for nobles, thereby restorins to the native | Qawaiians privileg(« whieh pertain to j them in their own country, and of whieh i they have been unjustlv deprived. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS j 12 Wefavorthe expenditure of | cient sums to secare & number of needed | puhlie improvements <m Oahn and other Island»; scliool, railroads and harbora i and wharveß, puhiie iight, and atso a thorough syatem of re?jervoira and water»worke, not only for Heaiolulu, bnt tl\roush-outthe other TslaMs. | LADIES wishing thetr ieathers dye*l |or ciean»d and curie<l ean ha\*e it done ! i>y M|*S. WERTHKRN. 103 Berel«m«i | | LADI£M wishing to punfy their eowplexion and cradiate laa and fir*ckl*B i wi ī he instueted by MRS. WERTHERN of oharge. 108 Beret*nia Sireei pa*t ( !ie Aj»iKMry. :il7— i Mlie Noiiee* v»iow all men by this noti<*e that frota ..d a f ter tliis *late» I have this iiay »aiysd Mr. 11. C. Uinkon» »Yom aeting i- n.u ajtent, for me in any sen» k what- - in the ch*rge and admixi)stratioa . »* «U »»jy pi\ipertv t jnnd m the «\>Uevtion "i .«ii diK\> »nd rents any aud all . niy estate in thts kinvtdiora. Any on* who holds or k in po*:?se«Bsiion of any )itixierty or who has any or (<iyments U* «oake ? wiU tl*e s*rae \vith nie pemmaih-. at tsar at Ht>nuaik%iia, at Howmulu, \iahu. KAI*IOI«AM. }H x r Jo«. Nawaiii. I lonolnln Nov % IWI.