Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 342, 10 December 1891 — Some Interesting Statistics. [ARTICLE]
Some Interesting Statistics.
Th<; investigHtions of au itiquifiug . h»v« hrought out the faf-t that g©ttiuj!( born eosts tlic pooplē of iho U nited Btates $25(K--<R»OA)00 annuail*. that. th«tot»U
■' I' ■ ■■ '■ ■' ■'<■■■ -■ ' peases of e;ettif3ig married are $800,000,000, and th«t gettirtg l?āried costs $75,Q00500. ThēV addition of the fact thaii getting dructk costs us $900,000.000 T?er year adds a new and sarcastive impressiveness to the admonit|ion; lt With all they get "ii n dersta ndi ng," . Pilfsburg DiB- - . | . ■