Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 341, 9 Kekemapa 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

NOTI(E. J-ADIEB x\ishing their lVathei-s dyer ov clean«Hi anil eurletl have it doin by 108 Rcwtamu Btreet. U\DIKS wishing to pnrifv tl\eir w*»pl«£io» and omliate t*n aml fwekk* wUI h« in»tueUMl byMRB» WERTHKRN frw of ehargo, ia s J F*rct*nia Stm» i»~s the Armorv. :U7—»iam* Piibiic Notice* Know all mea bv this noiiee that froitt and alter th» date } l h*v« this «lar eharged Mr. H. C» Ulukoa» tYom ju>tin^" an &gent, for ine in any whaiever, In theeh»rge aml «dnioiistrMi(n \>i all my pix»>erty, and in Uw ooUeeUan itf all dtt*s and rents ujnm any and aU iuv estatMn this kingdom« Any one who hokl« or k in ot' any proo*rty pr who has any or y*vments to «Mke* will tra»s«uH th* aaii» wiUi m# |>ersc«alhr. at my *la*r at Honuakaha» at Honohilu, Ouiu. KAMOLAM: per Jos, Nawahk Konoiuh* Nov. $» 1991* d-3».