Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 341, 9 Kekemapa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That the so-called Mechanics Union, wiii not x cotne within a stone's throw of the winning post.
That the V\ r iloox's blue—-jackets dearly love to stay at Honolulu.
That the American Kag!e was very thirsty on Baturday night.
That an orator's wiiui will be shnt.off, while reporters eonUnue verbatuni acf ''Po^a^h."
That plastcre's Peter Quinn aays» ean plaster all round the Howl(d)er.
That men are only grown boys as will Ihj seen at the naiionai Kanie called th« l4 tug-of-war" to t:\ko plaee soon.
Thst tho old (lnnige's boi!er cost ♦30(> to Ik» as«liested. That the work was iloim with the oast-away stulf from the Eieu'B boiler. Eighty dollara woald )iave hmn a gootf su:n fbr tho job, but doar as done by a botoh baud;
That the 'Meehaniea Uni®ir is likelv- to eome out so'6n as Keform supporters. | .
That the Mni}ster of In f .erior is very kind to the man he thinks con*trola the g; - eat. woats of the bves.
That aftcr tlid elections J. B is going right strajg.ht to Ballymor!ie to piaster the old mud cabin.
That the dnty from liquors is our most important revenues.