Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 341, 9 Kekemapa 1891 — The Firemen's Election. [ARTICLE]
The Firemen's Election.
, , we. anticipated a week ago. that Mr. Julins Asch, and liis Assi3tants, iMessrs Hunt and Kalawaia would be elected, so it has proyen. Mr. Asch has been for a long time attached to the Fire Department, and is also a skilled maehinist, two requisites that aid him in his capacity as Chief Engineer of Fire organization of the city. His Assistants are also, like him, long standing members of the Department, and are active, vigilant and popular. In the hands ot these men we feel satisfied that the 41 public good" will be Well served, and no partiality shown in the administration of the affairs of this all necessary organization. The elecfioneering among the members on;either side was sharp and well faught. No point in eleetion tactics was omitted bv either party. The defeated ticket took their Waterloo like men, though astonished at the result. The defsated nominees were ilie elect of Company Ko. 1, who have been successful for a long time ui their nominations, having had control of the Department for about eight years. After so long a period, in one party's hand, we believe, the change will henelieial to all. A great deal of tact is required in regulating the aifairs of the Department in order to harmonise the several companies belonging to it, and direct the and zeal rivalrv usual among firemen in the proper ehannel. We hope, the newiy elected officers will be able to do this, and i that they would do credit to themj i-eives and the fire organization of j our eity, and niaintain its pre£ent I ofticiency as has beeu dntve undcr I the able Oianagement of tho retirj ing chief and his Fta{l.