Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 340, 8 Kekemapa 1891 — OAHU PRISON. [ARTICLE]
Honolulū, Dec, 7. 1891. Sir:We, the inmates of the prison known us the "reef" have our griefantes, now of which if you can spare a space in your valuable pa per we would like to air.
There is a guard attached to this prison who tries to make a life a howling wilderness for those who came under his supervision as well as for his fellow guards, against whom he is everlastingly carrying tales with little or no foundation. This man has becn craiy, and found wandering through the woods in an almost nude condition, preaching to the sticks and stones. How he secured his appointment as guard to this prison, we cannot tell. but his removal would rectify a great wrong, as a man of his kind should not be placed in authroaty over his fellow man; - in a religions controversy with a brother guard be threatened to "cut "guts out."
It is just such men as this who cause acts of violence to happened. Sometime ago he undertook to make converts to Mormonism anel gather together at the Fish Market quite an audience of his own race (nafives), who become so much enraged at some of his utterraces that they threatened per0 sonal violene to him, and were going to throw him into the water.
The name of this man is O. Z. Wainee, and the man should be placed under ustraint, until examined by a lunacy commission. By giving the public and insight into this affair you will confer a favor on that portion of suffering humanity represented by. • The Prisoners of Oahu Prison.