Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 339, 7 December 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
J NOTIOE. ! LAI)IKS \vishing their toatherc d\vd j or <-)eaned aiul eurle<i ean have it ilone by MRS, WKIlTii EKN. Io>'i Korvtauia Street wi»>b»is' to pnrih' th«?ir oonip\esio« aiul ,crailiat« ta» )iiid frtvkKw wiil he uistiH ic<l bv MRS. WKRTHKBN tiw <n Itwt*ni* Stax>i pasr thivAvmorv. :il7-«Wm* Public >iotioe. I Kuv.w ;tl! iiiHii |>y this mwioe thaī }(vnn I and aftor this date, I have ti«s> dav | chaiyiHl Mr. H. l'hikt>n, trom Āvtioi; a«s «n «gcnt t for me iu anv aeaa» what> ! cycr, ia thcrharg<» «ml of all mr pn>portv, anel in the eolknHion. <»t <hH»s Hnil ivnts np*>w jihy »n«! inv in this kin^lom. Any ow» >rho tioMs or is in ot »ny pro»>eny or who hsu* anv Wsi*H-s< or paytnents to mak*, will tmn«3tot th« s»nic wiUi per?<malh\ »t mv pl&«v ai Hotu\ftk*hA> At 11<moluht % <*W KAWOLAM p»»r Jon. Nawajm, Uonolulu K6v, 3,