Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 339, 7 December 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That ,l potash" makes a j*ood " lie." That the Bulletin is <retting \voaA r , weak and raerged. It's got a bad crowd of dictators, who are a stumbling block"tō" itttle Dan's, otherwise honest intentions. That the Native Sons of Ilawaii will not follow the lead ct a weak kanaka who when in office. refused protection to young Hawaiians who were being turned cnt of office for speaking otit the trntii. That the Advertiser is getting fresh and slangy, and its news notes have a Poliee Gazette fiavor about them. That the dudes of the custo:ns guard service kiek at kaving to wear brass buttons. How foolish, when you know that the girls of Honolulu just adore brass buttons j even if worn by the ship's eook. I That the price of u potash" has 1 gone up since Mr. Bowler cornered : the article in the Mechanics Union. That Mr. Quinn was the onlv one that £I mashed ? ' the Mechanics last Thursday night, on the question of Election of Oflficers, That a blarsted Britsher says there his no election of hofficers in Hmgland. by jove! Thev only buys 'hem! That the last mail steamer brougbt back a gay deceiver who is liahle to have ā breach of promise suit filed against him. That the National Partypatriotic 500 will knoek out the missionary party's 500 of smugglers boodiers, traitors and hvpocrites. That Stone of the Elele, is responsible for all the Bowl(d)ers and Stones thrown from the Elele craniutD. So far there has been no body hurt, and no suit for damagc entered. as the resuli of Stone throwiog faom the upper story of the Elele Stone. That Johnnv not propose togivo up his iuoss of- l potash" for any lK)dv's electioii rights. It is evident that hair still growing on .Tohnnv's teeth. That the Xative Soiis of ilawaii, in discussing the suhjōct of republics aiui monarohies, gotout of their depth and tiound€red in a sea politics oaiohinK at straws. The speakers and listeners were orincipallv Hawaiian lawyers. aud their uivsence will eondemn anv meeting. That the Notarv Publies and ;Chinese Haek l)rjvers havc inere.»s ed v<>rv iji--gely in«'.!inibenoy in of!ū e. 'l'hai. Uh> IV C. Advertiser has got very personai with its remark* on Mi. \V. for whieh tlie ltitter propc>xrs la liavo the Ad \> r* isrr shnw im t<»stimonv !br the I

imāmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mmmm&mmmmpm Tbāt Robefto wanted to let Mr. Kaulukou feel tbe end of his boots last Priday evening, because the lstter had said it would be a #ood thing to snppress Bush and Wilcox under some as the native Sons of Hawaii, of whieh he was a membev woukl! have no show for an eleelion to a> seat in the' next Legislature if free.