Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 338, 4 Kekemapa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That imperfections are painfully manifest in the (un) civil servioe of ourcountry. We are bver-governed, ■ —a.B an ancient alleged humorist said, whe« he got tne roof shotoff his head. That Marshal Wilson is like the scapegoat—the sins of others aie his. That Eagles will supplant Sovereigns, just as the Btandard of the one. is superior to the other *in metal or measare, in Hawaii nei. That our gracious Queen is suffering with an idea that ahe is poor and wiU die poor, so say those who have appealed to her generosity. That Malaga wine is made from grapes grown in the brick wall vineyards of Fortand Merchant Streets, r»ixtd for preservation with hot water, sugar »;nd spirits of wine. Thata olub-tou**Jst is getting re;\dy to shove off. Wonder if he will lake a ,Udy. That Native Sons of Hawaii niet Tuesdny evening. Mr. J. A, Cummitis presidin, ior the first tiine a j y*tioal l>ody. There were ahout a half a dozen present ? among tho.ru Messrs. Kau) ; a, Poepoe. NaUianiel, and one or two others. \woriiing to this list thcv ought to be calkd the rene<ade Sou# of llawaii. These were al i Oandidates, withont Any following.

That Carl was sacked, becausfe he had a soul übove buttons.« No lain without a turning. That man was made to 'so say all of ua." bui is to be done when we <tre getting the hearse ready ? That two to one the Asch ticket takes the Fire Department in hand, and the Queenites will get 3?ft crying for More. That John Bowler and R. More has been advising the Mechanics Union to form an allianee with the Hui Kalaiaina, and to set aside tbe Wilcox and Bush faction ; so that they ean run themselves and friends | for the purpose of monoplies and j boodle franchises to be manipu lai- j ed in the sweet by ānd b/. 1