Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 337, 3 Kekemapa 1891 — The U. S. Government Moves. [ARTICLE]
The U. S. Government Moves.
i :y the S. F. Chronicle of Novernr 20, we have the information! that two or three of the American war vessels will soon visit our port, \in ler command of Admiral Brown. is said that his visit here is due tō Mr, Mott - SmithV mies:on to Wr, who. had instructions, feeff>re and after his' depaTture, to make further concessions to the V- nited States, in order to a renevpal ©' i.c2;ociations for reciprocity — :mercial concessions from the ' d States Government fcr poi: - i advantages and cession of from us. The information oubtedly true. There has a strong feeling here among i ommercial mēn a«ra capitalisfs to patv li up a treaty with America, that wili p;ive them the benefits of a bountv in favor of sugar, irrespectiv° nf the wishes ot the Hawaiiaa >!.'<> v>le 1 It is widely known here that Dr. Smith was erapowered as Comn3issioner to Wa6hington to offer temtory and cede away sovereign *ights, whieh 'in jiistice ean onlybe ione by the will of the people. Possibly the fleet to arrive «st the negotiations by its influ4pce with the Hawaiian voter at #ie coming election of February next, and in that way secure a ratification of the wishes of our sugar produces and money lenders.