Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 336, 2 Kekemapa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
Tbat a certain Rcforra Minister stated that tl»e F. T. opium boodlers were not brought to juetiee because they stood too high. That dfertain evidenee is forthcoming that may induce the next Legislature to reopen that opium investigation and bring proper pu«ishment to those j giddy opiuin nianipulators who | fancy they are safely protected | within Bishops sacred circle of 500 That Thurston and Spencer raised Tophet in trying to pro"vide this town with a new market: This is the result of placing the reins of power in the hands of inpracticable and incompetent men. I - - | That the utterance of the Elele ; resembles the of a troop of asses Btumbling along blindly j over a rough road of a Stonc-Bowl- ; that their blatant, blnnderj ing hibemian demagogv has no ! force or <;fleet. j That 8. E. Bishop deeeived the | Amenean m:blic in ihe "Review of | Revie\v* : when he plaoed iheHiuh | of ou r inteUigent. 80eiffy at ">00; | that we wiil wage t hat we< un niateh | ; Bishop'B oW wiih anotlier s(X),that! j will have inore brains, honor and I ability. aii',l !<•<- trea- j ehery and nnnenee. j That the lHn>dlers i>nrty helil in ; tlieir han<i t hree of a kind aud hope ; to bh;fl'\h* pot with it, viz: the ; man Fruhiy. the Be;vvi v r and the ; Kaugaroo. Thev look and act| about as inueh alike as anv three ' , jaeks yoti -ouhl piek i.ut ol' tue naek. j Miai 1 he }»r;>mverfi k aud.theinterior and the «eneral dnn- • derfunk « i our politieal ketUe ave • <
comp}acently basking in the 1 ast hey-day of their sunshine; bOt a big i storm of baliots in February wiU 1 begin the winter of their diseontent. That the Advertiser is' chasing 1 th<? Marshal up n Kaayqn, bnt he i I will seek refuge in a -Peaxer dam up I i the hilk aitd the majmty of his en- | j virQīirr.ents will enahle him toelude ; j the pursuit; Uien the P. C. A. wili j I take its pot of war paint and besmear the beautiful v-hi'iag of the • Queen's Cnbinet of curios. l