Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 335, 1 December 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

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INDEPKNDEXCiiS; 0F THK iWNTKY MON(>POLIFS . • r». 8h;»ll u *e ,HU eJlort>: to «.huin laws hy wiueli «U iHvoritWm in the jrov- , oi'nmeni aiui nll iiu>uop<>li<\>; ( and ! privilogt»s to oUu*es» *bal! be j.ivmleml hv iull, dertnitc i aii'l maiulalow slatut*»&/ j <>• Bettor lHW«?houl,( iv K ulaUMhv i'i- ' V/! >ervu*. Thei pnmūpU* 01 tlu» I 1L..11 ŌI -imceTs ol ihē Kovevnmviit hv ; t-ho- (KS»ple shoakl bo esUHblk<hed, aud uo | iiuin shoul<l bo allowed to lioM more thnn w otlW of profit, whili?t sjUarioa Bho«il<i Ih? &<lāquate oojuj>eri>vHtion tor t lip nuyu>ps. rendevod. All r veo.vsive ss-lario>-«houU! t»« hHiueoil ai:d «H pine^ ciirt ?s or ?»uperlloou!* (iilieop oln.lihluul, I'HOīKenON T0 HOME INDUBTKIKS 4 • in fsvc*r <">f ♦! tr;ijiii{o- ,)|] hoioo a«rioiiluiro ar>d iiHh*s.i imdall oor Hko ruY, coinv, wooKioUu«vo. h<\ >hould i»rotfvkHl «nt! tvwterōd hv }mn»or teri« nvn!atioQ: aiul d inuei W tho duty iU tJio tiovment, w ite contravte and\>Uioi onm* iioan, fco piv* prefwtife nati,utal prtw doct* «\vr imi»orttsl on^

PUBt.IO BEEVANTB. ' . • $U We desire a more p6Uey t»»- . wards the differeot lslands.of the Ki»gdom, outside of Ualiu; they sh'ml4 reeeive a fairer pr< portton of llie public moneys for the devt lopment of thejr resonrces and ti*e satipfactirn of their waiits. In,fwet, the principle of loeal Self-govem!iieiit «bould be extehded, \vhereby giving loealitieB nnay <»hot>ee the most important of their loc»l execntive oflic£rs, and levj- taxes for Uie pnrpc«Be 1 nal im»)rovements of a Dublic natare. PROTECTIO?J T0 THE LABOUBIN(t class:es 9. We shall endorsē all measure tending to' improve the condition of the working claBses, arid conseq m-ntly, without injuring any veBted rights. we wfll advocate laws to prevent all furthēr importation or employment of contractlabor of any kind, upon eonditions i wliieh will bring it into a minoua and , degradii?g competrtion Hawai j ian or white labor. We ehall also, m I the interest of the better protection o> i the poor, aek for morehberal exemptions ! of thelr property from forced sale on execntion, aud from eeizure in bankruptey proceedities. SMALL FARMTNG AN£ HOME STEADy. 10. The of o«r po|iulation havehitherfe*jH , evenied the<tevekmI mēnt of an indep<pjdent class of citixeqs; - the public lands nave been aequired have been tied iip in a few hands ar parcelled to auii' favorites, and small farmers and planters have been driven ; out by corporatiotis or eon i ; nationa ef J capitalistB; but ae small fai iv: ;is eon- [ ducive tothe stabilitv of it 1 sliould pe encouraged hy a nen =?md • more liberal Homestead act, by wheh ■ the ownership of pmall tra'ct£ oi lajfd i and ihe settlement thereon o!V'iaiuiKrs ; of oar present populaiion,—and especiali i ly of the native Hawaiians who have | beeu left almost Jiomeless in tliereconnj 1 ry.-Mhoukl be iendered poys«ble. To ; that end, tlie Government and Crown j lands, ( in so far as ean be done wiiLout 1 invadmg vested rights ) should be devot!ed as soon as possible to homesteads. j and conferred npon bona-fide settler» j free of taxes for a limited period. 1 It shou!d be ihe further aim of governI ment to t at onee, ao far' improve the meane of trana»artf tioD>-loeal, nationlal and intea*national f ? tp provide, Id { all the districfs, eheap me&īia at convevj Jng the prodact of the eeil to market. I electoraL rihgt. i 11. We hold that uprigh', ai*d honest j nianhood, and not the voesesaoa iaf j wealth, arbitrarilj T fixed, shonld c»nsti- ! t.he right to vote for neblee_as well | representativee, and no more power , should be accoix3etl to the baīlot of the ! rich m<m than to the' ballot of the I poor man. The <liscrimination m fa\or , of wealth nt>w made in oujr Constitution ! is contrary to all the etemal principles j ōf right and justice, andmust be abolished. To this end, we will favor a leveliug of the present distinction of wealth and classes whieh Wēmiēh our lawe with respect of thē right to vote for nohlee, thereby restoring to the n«tive Hawaiians privileges whieh pertain to tliem in their own eountry, and of whieh • they have been tiniuBtly deprived. INTERKAL IMPROVEMENTS 12 We iavor the expenditure of eieni eumw to secure a number of need«d pnblie improvements onOahu and Islands: eehool, railroftds harW« and wharvee, publ?c )ight, and alao a thordngh syatem of reeerv«k and #ater-worbs, Rot only tor Honolulu, but t)ironeh-out the ther lelAnds. *