Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 334, 30 November 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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NOTICE. > wishiiig thodr feathers 4yed or eloanwi and ourle*i ean have it done bv MR£. WERTHEKN. l(teßeretania Strwt. LA-UIEB «ii*hing to puvif\ thoir eoup!exiou Aiui r«uliate tan and freikVs win h« iuBtucnMi hy MRS. WERTHKR.N ot 10:V1VretAnia Stm?t past the Anwiw. ;r v 7—d;*m» rnblic N T otice. Kuow ali men hy thi-s notsi* th«i irom a»ui aiuu- hif> daW, i have this dav discharged 3lr. H. l\ Ulukou, from atrting aii agoai, W nio in un- wbaV> ever, ioT tho ch»rge %dmiiu£t r?\tion <«f all nvy property. .u iii t*u» **>llīH 4 tio« #>t a!l dues and rents niKin anf »nv) aU iny t*stat«vm thm kingdom. Any oiie who hold*j or w in W |m>vrty or who ha* any buKi*<*x» or paym<»nt3 to «tk«> >*iU trantmct the Huae with at pUo* Hōnnakmha» at Hoe<au)ti« Oahu, KAPIOLAM, p*'r Jo«s. N&WAmi. M«9«HI2Q Kot« a, lIHL d-&».