Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 334, 30 November 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

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1N UKPKN l>KNt\K OF THK COL T XTKV.I .) TJI)ICIARY REFOKMB ' 2, i Mitoi ionsideratiou for tbti inbetvitt ' ;uttl preBent opiiuohH of Uie ua*; itvc |H>pnhxt u»u. dersir<> to ivtuiu th« in<lri*»d«no«} ot ihe Oountry aikl <Mend| its »utimomy« im«ierH liberat and popu-. lur of Km-emmeui; buloui Tivatits ■' mit h For<Mjfn IWt»r», an«l ! with the Unit*Hl £t»tes ov Amenoa,: shoul«i U» iv»vise*t -o to U*tter im«et, hu«l to ohUin tnore in tlux«e ( grftnt\yl by ut». 5. Om , yudimfv svstem an«i Oodeof > l*root»vJur« »nust be $uluuiite*i tt» a tho:ousb rt'Vii>ion, w» ue * < heap • un*j &r*mpl a*iuiiuistrHtionof ju£tKv,nw ' of Ml >«cvtarmu oi f*ui*nn ytu»H, :.mi t*\» ren(W tho .1 uumv uir>\ tty rv>*j>onmbk* to the Pwj4e; ixiHl we ai* in tavor oi' & i»ot« liberai ui(ēi|>(eUitiou oi i C4»Btitntjniui{ Mmntcos ofth* fr*H\k>» ' ōf epeeeh «rtd tlw» ptr«v\ |

PCbI,IC SEKVASnrg. • A & tt»MEST . 8. We d»« re 8 more liberal policy tov?ardB the diflferent isla'«ds oi tne Kingdom, o«teide of Uaiiu ; thesr should r*sceive a fairer pr« portion ōf the pubiic moneya for the dev* lopurent of tlieir reso»rces and ti»e sati«>factirn of their want.s. In frict, tJr e pnneiple ol īoeal Self-go\*ernineLt whonkl be extenled, whereby giving localitiPB may ehōoee tJ>£ rrost important ol their loe»! execuli\fc officērs, and levy t&xes for the purpose 1 eal imDrovements of a nublic nature. PROTECTION T0 THE LABOURDf4 v CLASSJSS 9. We Bhall endorse all measure tending to improve the condition ol the workingda6see, vrithout injuriog any vested rights. we \vSl advocate laws to prevent all further im- [ portation or employn»ent oi contracti labor of any kind, upon conditions whieh will brmg it into a ruinous and degrading coiflpetitioß with £ree Hawai Uan or labor„ We sball also, m j the interest of the better protection oi i the poor, ask for more liberal exempfcion» of their property from forced sale on ex- [ ecution, aud from seizure in bankruptcy proceedincs. SMALL FARMTNG AND HOME ' STKADS. • 10. Th? wealthy fraction of €vua; population have hitherto prevented the cfevelopifcent, of an independentclass of Citr/.eDB; the publ»oiands have been acquirod and have been tied up in a lew n&nds or parcelled to suit favorites, and amall farmers and planters have been driven j ont by corporatioHS or combinations of | eapitalists; but as small fnrming is eon- ! ducive to the stabifitv of the Rtate, it | .should pe ■■..encouraged by a new aud more liberal Homestead act, by wheh the ownership <>f Rmall treds of land •aud the !>ettlement tliereon of families '6f our pix:sent population,—and especi&li 1y "of the native lla\vaiians who have Iween left almost liomeleKs in thereeoun-try.-Khould be rcndeved. poes.ble. To ■ that- end, the Government and Crown lands, ('in *x> L\r as ean be done witliOut invadinjr vestetl rights ) shonld bedevoti ed ns- as i>ossible to homesteadp. and coiiferied ui>on bona-fide settlers i'i'i i' of taxe for a limited period. ; lt should be the fiirther aim of governi ment to, at oive., so far improve tlie ! means of transport: tion,—loeal, nation,al ;• jkl internacional,—as to provide, in ; all the-districts, "eheiap'wieans of convey-' ! ing the product of the soil to market.

| K.LEOTORAL RlH<iT. | 11. We hold that uprlght an<l boiu'st | miinhooKl, aml not thē Dos?ession # ol , wealth, arbltrarily tixe<l, should constr- '■ the right to vote lor nobles well as | representatives, and no raore power : £'hould be a<*<*or<le(l to the ballot of the ; rich iiiān than to the ballot of the | poor man. The (liserimination m -tavor foi wealth now made in onr Constitntion īis eontrary to all the et-ernal prineiples ] of right and justice, and muī?t l>e abolit-*h-i ed. To this end, we will favor a level- ] ing of the preeent distiDction of wealth j atid elasseg whieh hlemiph our law v s j with respet't of the right to vot§ for noi bles, thei*eby restoring to the native < Hawaiiane privileges whkh pertain to j ia their owa country, and of whkh th«fr have been «niu6tly depriv«d.

] IMTERNAL IMPROVEMEBTB | 12 W» favor the expeiKliture of su!h--1 eient sui*B to gecure a number of Xkee<fcd | public improvementa onOahu a&d*tfcēr I I«landa : sehool, railroade and harbors [and wharveB, public light, aad also a : thorough B>*atem of reeorvoure and j wnter-works, not onlv forHonolnln, but ; tlirou«h-wit the othor If»}ands.