Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 334, 30 Nowemapa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


rhiit (;opha< \vor?lūp> as persouitkd in a Bo\vl(d)sr, on liun,e'f< pagan-da\ of worshipr "!hc wihi >.f <i!i wnpni ti h* s. v

That the * l brains" that edits the Elele is imbeddod in plast©r arid is as dead as concrete.

That the Boodlers of the Elele propose to run in a few of the old gang, and work up another elaim for tl-e loss of the Kalakaua.

That last Thursday, the Meehanics Unīon held a meecing, at whieh ther6 were.only two members present, and three vhsitors. The spare member begged of the Chair to ad* journ themeeting,which was carried unanimously.

That the Elele; accuses the Ka Leo with writing on a Stone-BowJ(d)erJ the followmg epitaph: %l $35,000" — onjy that and nothing more.

That. Kahoonei knows that a few of tbe nien are aiek, and that is > why ; >he invited them to Thomas Hquare in order to be purified with wholesome advice from the Bush-\Vilcex faction. Be satisfied with that thirty-five thousand hoodle, and hud yonr mush !

That the Bush-Wilcox factiōii lias broke r.p the . Union Boodle/s' who proposed to ru n a "hill" through in the next Letrislature giving the would de opium peddlars the exclusive profits ofthe busmess.

That the balance of Bowlcr 5 s elaim for wfcat he did not do will be duly ]>resented to the next legisiature, with compound mter—est, to make it inteiesting, doivt yer knov.! Ther<4 s nothiiig mean about tae affair. hure.

That ili.e new polilieal association is not tlie lt New Hui Kalaiaina" by name, its aame is the "Aoao L-ahui Hawaii Liberala," so look up your Irish, and 3ee who tries to imitate the •*Father of Liars," Mr. Elele. before you open vour ki mush."

That the edifcprs of the Elele and his boodle eompanion would be apt to eatch their death of cold jf "immersed" as it is against their religion to be cleansed anu purified with pure water, but prefer that inward cleansing with "heee" and *'Irish whiskey," if you plaze, and the gutter as their natural basin to wallow in instead of the broad Pacific\

That whai we do want is "Men, Honest Me&" to crrry out the Boodle so thftt instead of $35,000 the boodlers will get the whole aruount of 149,000 whieh will helo to pay for the Press and the Piper.