Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 334, 30 November 1891 — A NEW FIRM. [ARTICLE]
C)wing to the immense proiits i truui the Bnle . of opium ;«nntjfjiled 1 into this eountry, u new tirm lias ; Heeu form«vi with a lurge oapiiul toj cArty out the bn«iuess in first clā?s \ «tylo, This firm propoB«s to b<jy! gODie portieni ®f ilie l«laiid of 3,imai ī for the hurinl and resurreciion of I f v, e * 4 boodle;" 'o buy Ihe Klele of-| foe and all its apj nve , (leivd {!v!»iiled, ;o h» k! h *". , ;{ftei tenne«l lh«- 'Vl*nn;nu!l;i!e 1 . on of !fone*t Opium Lu;oJJers. : ' .)• <,! to run a Heel v\ v»>ss»»ly b*>t-we«!i - i'.i-na portii in mnl in
the tropics North of the Equator. The gftntleoien associat©d in this corporation, embrace all nationalities from..a South Se& īslander to ; the several Nationalities that re present the British Empire and her antipodean Co]onies, $nd as they mean business thev intend to double
[ the original stock by waterincr, and ! it by proxy to the credit of 1 nien, women and children, (widows | and orphans included) who have an interest in the Hawaiian Gor:ernment, and thereby- gather gov<?rnment eupport, and also moral Bympathv from the people. DifFering only in its object with General B6oth ? s plan of Salvation, this corporation hopes to eam in a sh'ort period of time, enough meana, 10 present to those whom it may eoncsrn, diamond rings, bracelets, and earings, dogancLguns. vases,, bfic-a-bracs, and all manner of useful &nd omamenial articles that will britig damnatwn to the giver and the recipient in due course of time.
Aside from the proposed business as stated above, the company intend to run as candidates for the Legislature of 1892, a few renegades and boodlers, and to buy up enough beside to carry a bill in the House, whieh will be so arranged as to meet the approval Qf the Sovereign, the Hill to grant the franehise to the firin in the uame of one of its members, who shall be bound bv a cast irou oath to conditions written in blood and to be witnessed by all the members ; «:Jtf MuOa.
| The corporators intend no smali | | af!air; tkey feel competent from the ( | exDerience of the last regime, to ! v>rofit by the lesson in the same |business, and they propose to offer !as a propitiation to the high priest, !of the halenema a golden- hog stufs fed with sovereigns, with a whale, ; eh, in its mouth fixed up a lafranleaiw; their will also be given for the library of the society, a golden pointer, a modern and ancient mo|delsofa .eoupl.e of opium yachts, j with attached, bolted i and fastened with golden pine with | diamond heads
l 01 one ot the Hui Kalaiainaa will receive a token of recoguitioii for his services for setling aside cerfcain member of tiis hui, and for endeavoring to create a panics among the Hawaiians, a golden cross and a triple orown etudded with glas» beads in immi» tation of diamonds, the whole set in a concrete and resting in the palm ofa grosping Etr»erald Bowlder represented by an ordinary Stooe. Afi we*hoar more ot the histoTy of this proposed corporation, we shall be pleaaeil to give it to our readera in as readable a foruia6onr u intelligence and principle" will permit us.