Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 334, 30 Nowemapa 1891 — THE 28th OF NOVEMBER. [ARTICLE]
1 T t wuiian lndependence Pay pas- * i < -n' \ erv p]easant]y, and without aov trouble, as was anticipated by the Poliee Department, would perhaps occur between certain of th' Xational Liberalists and a few H scapegoats. The main features of tl e Day was the oration by Hon. R. W. Wilcox, and addresses by others in review of past events applieahle to th e time and circumstances whieh \ rise to the commemoration of lay. īt was a mentāl feast| ū • . from the history of the past, i , ;-t before the Hawaiiana, as j only a Wilcox, a Nawahi or a White ean. īt was gariiished ilh deeds of naiional courage and valor and individual heroism. that wa> /ell worthy' of repeating to the t, ine a'ud' .submissiye Hawaiian of *• -day. 'l".■■■ Hawaiian \vere soniewhat ../• red with their Q,aeen, who had join an excnrsion partv tothe eoun--Iry instead of mingling with them, as is the usual custom of the Haivaiian Sovereiffrisin thē celebration of the day, a day. without whieh the present ruler would perhaps be languishing in nnknown t)bscurity.
In the evening a large open air rar.HS meeting was held at Palaee Bquare, whereso:ne thousands ofthe populaee were out to listen to the politics of the Nationaiists. The most amusing part of the day's programme, was the procesBion ealleil by the Hui Kalaiaina i'i vrhich the Mechanics Union were to iiiarch together with them to Thomas Squaie to hear Messrs. Bush, Wilcox, Nawahi, White and others of the y Liberal Party. Thc proces6ion started, headed by the KhnA' 32 strong, followed by six or Hiii Kalaiainas, and eight delej;ates from the other iaianAa. One r two of the meehaniea who * <-re instrumental in inducing i*resident Kahoonei to invite them stood diBgusted,incluAing the Hamfa?. mau that ropr«aented,the bolters, w!,o finding the a/fair a farce etaye 1 <)ut of the proce»non. The meetiug at Thomas Bquare < s crowd©d with the Aoao Lahui il :i waii Liberala, and the populaee who eame ai their invitation, whiie tho poor scapegoats who expected to lead the meeting were snowed iuider, (notwithstanding Bnsh waB notthere.)