Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 334, 30 Nowemapa 1891 — Page 4
This text was transcribed by: | Darryl |
This work is dedicated to: | Awaiaulu |
"E Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono."
John E. Bush.
Iuna Hooponopono a me Puuku.
Monday, Nov. 30, 1891
Hawaiian Independence Day passed off very pleasantly, and without any trouble, as was anticipated by the Police Department, would perhaps occur between certain of the National Liberalists and a few Hawaiian scapegoats.
The main features of the Day was the oration by Hon., R. W. Wilcox and addresses by others in review of past events applicable to the time and circumstances which gave rise to the commemoration of the day. It was a mental feast @@@ from the history of the past, @@@@ before the Hawaiians, as only a Wilcox, a Nawahi or a White can. It was garnished with deeds of national courage and valor and individual heroism, that was well worthy of repeating to the tame and submissive Hawaiian of today.
The Hawaiian were somewhat angered with their Queen, who had join an excursion party to the country instead of mingling with them, as is the usual custom of the Hawaiian Sovereigns in the celebration of the day, a day, without which the present ruler would perhaps be languishing in unknown obscurity.
In the evening a large open air mass meeting was held at Palace Square, where some thousands of the populace were out to listen to the politics of the Nationalists.
The most amusing part of the day’s program, was the procession called by the Hui Kalaiaina in which the Mechanics Union were to march together with them to Thomas Square to hear Messrs. Bush,Wilcox, Nawahi, White and others of the Liberal Party. The procession started, headed by the Band’ 32 strong, followed by six or eight Hui Kalaiainas, and eight delegates from the other islands. One or two of the mechanics who were instrumental in inducing President Kahoonei to invite them stood disgusted, including the Hamfat man that represented, the bolters, who finding the affair a farce stayed out of the procession.
The meeting at Thomas Square was crowded with th eAoao Lahui Hawaii Liberala, and the populace who came at their invitation, while the poor scapegoats who expected to lead the meeting were snowed under, (notwithstanding Bush was not there.)
Owing to the immense profits from the sale of opium smuggled into this country, a new firm has been formed with a large capital to carry out the business in first class style. This firm proposes to buy some portion of the island of Lanai for the burial and resurrection of the “boodle;” to buy the Elele office and all its appurtenance, live and dead stock included. To be hereafter termed the “Immaculate Enion of Honest Opium Boodlers,” and to run a fleet of vessels between China and ports in mid-Pacific, in the tropics North of the Equator. The gentlemen associated in this corporation, embrace all nationalities that represent the British Empire and her antipodean Colonies, and as they mean business they instead to double the original stock by watering, and placing it by proxy to the credit of men, women and children, (widows and orphans included) who have an interest in the Hawaiian Government, and thereby gather government support, and also moral sympathy from the people. Differing only in its object with General Booth’s plan of Salvation, this corporation hopes to earn in a short period of time, enough means, to present to those whom it may concern, diamond rings, bracelets, and earings, dog and guns, vases, brica-braes, and all manner of useful and ornamental articles that will bring damnation to the giver and the recipient in due course of time.
Aside from the proposed business as stated above, the company intend to run as candidates for the Legislature of 1892, a few renegades and boodlers, and to buy up enough beside to carry a bill in the House, which will be so arranged as to meet the approval of the Sovereign, the bill to grant the franchise to the firm in the name of one of its members, who shall be bound by a cast iron oath to conditions written in blood and to be witnessed by all the members a la Mafia.
The corporators intend no small affair; they feel competent from the experience of the last regime, to profit by the lesson in the same business, and they propose to offer as a propitiation to the high priest of the halenaua a golden hog stuffed with sovereigns, with a whole, eh, in its mouth fixed up a la francaise; their will also be given for the library of the society, a golden pointer, a modern and ancient models of a couple of opium yachts, with false-bottoms attached, bolted and fastened with golden pins with diamond heads.
The President or one of the Hui Kalaiainas will receive a token of recognition for his services for setting aside certain member of his hui, and for endeavoring to create a panics among Hawaiians, a golden cross and a triple crown studded with glass beads in imitation of diamonds, the whole set in a concrete and resting in the palm of a grasping Emerald Bowlder represented by an ordinary Stone.
As we hear more of the history of this proposed corporation, we shall be pleased to give it to our readers in as readable a form as our “intelligence and principle” will permit us.
The “Friend” has published some good advice to you which we will reproduced, and ask you also to ponder and consider. It come from the Reform side, but it is sound and weighty, though we feel sure it is not in accord with the ambitions of that party whose dictators are the sugar barons. You are a growing faction and in your hands you hold a strong suit – the cards political. The elections of 1890 proved that the Mechanics Union was a force and a power that could carry a political platform to victory. The reform leaders have recognized this fact and while obliged to respect you and your political organization, they fear you, and therefore there agents are attempting to forment quarrels and discussion among you, and have even gone so far as to make insinuating offers for your disaffection. You also have traitors in your camp, who acting as the tools of unprinciples politicians, are seeking to create rupture and disunion among you or induce you to blindly follow the lead of treacherous and selfish enemies of your cause.
You had a splendid organization, gained considerable prestige that exist, even to this day, and it would be your own misfortune if you allowed the structure to be “disrupted into its original elements.”
In organizing for political purposes you are but following the lead of laborers and workingmen’s parties in America and Europe, who combine for protection against the aggression of capitalists, and organize into political clubs, in order that they have some influence in legislation for their welfare. In America and Europe the labor party is getting to the more and more recognized as a power that must be respected, for they represent the true democracy of a nation, being the people and the majority, a great evolutionary force that must be considered and have its voice in national councils. The “labor day” demonstrations abroad, now that highest holiday of the year, and their claims for notice and consideration, are commanding the attention of the leading statesmen of the day.
This is an age of social unrest and in its moral and intellectual growth the workingman of today seeks to emancipate himself from the position of being a mere machine of industry, and to secure for himself and family a recognized and certain position in the social fabric. The mechanics and workingmen of Honolulu are as intelligent and respectable a class of men as could be found anywhere, and have a right to political consideration.
You were roused to action in 1890 by the attitude of the government which you feared threatened your very existence. The situation has not materially changed, and your old leaders have again summoned you to consider the outlook and what attitude you will assume. The old National Party, under whose colors you voted, has been revived with a “liberal” addition; and the contest will undoubtedly be as it was last year with the planters or missionary reform party. If the National Party has hitherto failed of is mission, it was not their fault, but the fault of our system of government, which we hope to rectify so it may never happen again.
You are now asked to join forces once more for tan election on the national policy, a policy which you all know to be based on the principles of popular government, or the greatest good for the greatest number, and especially in protection of the interests of the workingman.
(To be Continued)
That Cephas worship Balaam’s ass, as personitied in a Bowl(d)er, on Ronie’s pagan-day of worship; “the @@@ solar holiday of all pagan times.”
That the Boodlers of the Elele propse to run in a few of the old gang, and work up another claim for the loss of the Kalakaua.
That last Thursday, the Mechanics Union held a meeting, as which there were only tow members present, and three visitors. The spare member begged for the Chair to adjourn the meeting, which was carried unanimously.
That the Elele accuses the Ka Leo with writing on a Stone-Bowl(d)er, the following epitaph: “$35,000” – onjy that and nothing more.
That Kahoonei knows that a few of the “Union” men are sick, and that is why he invited them to Thomas Square in order to be purified with wholesome advice from the Bush-Wilcox faction. Be satisfied with the thirty-five thousand boodle, and hud your mush!
The Bush-Wilcox faction has broke up the Union Boodlers’ who proposed to run a “bill” through in the next Legislature giving the would be opium peddlars the exclusive profits of the business.
That the balance of Bowlder’s claim for what he did not do will be duly presented to the next legislature, with compound interest, to make it interesting, don’t yer know! There’s nothing mean about the affair, hure.
That the new political association is not the “New Hui Kalaiaina” by name, its name is the “Aoao Lahui Hawaii Liberala,” so look up your Irish, and see who tries to imitate the “Father of Liars,” Mr. Elele, before you open your “mush.”
That the editors of the Elele and his boodle companion would be apt to catch their death of cold if “Immersed” as it is against their religion to be cleansed and purified with pure water, but prefer that inward cleansing with a ”beer” and “Irish Whiskey,” if you plaze, and the gutter s their natural basin to wallow in instead of the broad Pacific.
That what we do want is “Men, Honest Men,” to curry out the Boodle so that instead of $35,000 the boodlers will get the whole amount of $49,000 which will help to pay for the Press and the Piper.
Judiciary Reforms
2. Out of consideration for the inherent rights and present opinions of the native population, we desire to retain the independence of the Country and defend its autonomy, under liberal and popular form of government; but our Treaties with Foreign Powers, and especially with the United States of America, should be revised, so as to better meet present necessities and to obtain more equitable advantages in exchange of those granted by us.
3. Our Judiciary system and Code of Procedure must be su@u@itt@@ to a thorough revision, so as to secure a cheap and @@@@@ administration of justice, free of all sectarian or patisan spirit, and to render the Judges more directly responsible to the People; and we are in favor of a more liberal interpretation of Constitutional guarantees of the freedom of speech and the press.
8. We desire a more liberal policy towards the different islands of the Kingdom, outside of Oahu; they should receive a fairer proportion of the public moneys for the development of their resources and the satisfaction of their wants. In fact, the principle of the local Self-government should be extended whereby giving localities may choose the most important of their local executive officers, and levy taxes for the purpose local improvements of a public nature.
9. We shall endorse all measure tending to improve the conditions of the working classes, and consequently, without injuring any vested rights, we will advocate laws to prevent all further importation or employment of contract labor of any kind, upon conditions which will bring it into a ruinous and degrading competition with free Hawaiian or white labor. We shall also, in the interest of the better protection of the poor, ask for more liberal exemptions of their property from forced sale on execution, and from seizure in bankruptcy proceedings.
10. The wealthy fraction of our population have hitherto prevented of an independent class of citizens; the public lands have been acquired and have been tied up in a few hands or parceled to suit favorites, and small farmers and planters have been driven out by corporations or combinations of capitalists; but as small farming is conducive to the stability of the State, it should be encouraged by a new and more liberal Homestead act, by which the ownership of small tracts of land and the settlement thereon of families of our present population, -- and especially of the native Hawaiians who have been left almost homeless in there country, -- in so far as can be done without invading vested rights) should be devoted as soon as possible to homesteads and conferred upon bona-fide settlers free of taxes for a limited period.
It should be the further aim of government to, at once, so far improve the means of transportation, -- local, national and international, -- as to provide, in all the districts, cheap means of conveying the product of the soil to market.
11. We hold that upright and honest manhood, and not the possession of wealth, arbitrarily fixed, should const@ the right to vote for nobles as well as representatives, and no more power should be accorded to the ballot of the rich man than to the ballot of the poor man. The discrimination in favor of wealth now made in our Constitution is contrary to all the eternal principles of right and justice, and must be abolished. To this end, we will favor leveling of the present distinction of wealth and classes which blemish our laws with respect of the right to vote for nobles, thereby restoring to the native Hawaiians privileges which pertain to them in their own country, and of which they have been unjustly deprived.
12. We favor the expenditure of sufficient sums to secure a number of needed public improvements on Oahu and other Islands; schools, railroads and harbors and wharves, public light, and also a thorough system of reservoirs and water-works, not only for Honolulu, but through-out the other Islands.
Know all men by this notice that from and after this date, I have this day discharged Mr. H. C. Ulu@ou, from acting as an agent, for me in any sense whatever, in the charge and administration of all my property, and in the collection of all dues and rents upon any and all my estate in this kingdom.
Any one who holds or is in possession of any property or who has any business or payments to make, will transact the same with me personally, at my place at Honuakaha, at Honolulu, Oahu.
KAPIOLANI, Per Jos, Nawahi. Honolulu, Nov. 3, 1891.