Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 333, 27 November 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

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| INI)KPKNDEX(pjfi 0F THE COUNTKY | PKINOIPLE OF GOVERSMENT AND ! CONJsTITUTION. J. We deem that all Grovemment ghoald be foimded on tbe principles of I4berty, Kquality and Fraternity; we hold that aU men are born free and equal before tfae law and are endowed vrHH iaalieitabte righte to life, io libertgfj, to prdpertp, to the pursmt ha&omem and to seli-protectiofi again«t amtmxy .cpneei3trafcien of power« iiresficaisibfe We be-. <f&āt jp.6t eauBf» o&\y by the <»Bg«atofthe and that, *rhen hmmu&i lor the )ir welfar», %$r B*ay «agst£sg form9 »nd «etablish moreadspiU3geeuß aad syeteia; aa4, Beet Cfonetifention of the Kw' dom iieveriias had theai»drovid >IW>le, wae eatablied6d by ia**: datton and fraod for the be&efit of a certaiu elaae» therōlore we favor the adoptiotxof a new and more liheuna! Oon* stitution, to truly tsecuro a Government l qf the People, by the People and for the People. i MONOPOUKB | 5. We shall uae our efibrte to oht«Ju I lawa bv whieh »11 te>x>ritiem in the gov erniD6nt &nd an monepoliea, tnsto «ik& pHvi2egea td aneciiil elam ebato be rendered imposBifete, by full, deflnrS aiulmftndafcory 6tatate& 0. Better fews ahouM reguUtethe Ovil Her?see. pilndple of tiie e*c~ tioikel uD!!etis <» v the toMsimtit'by thepeople Bhonld be ealahuaheel, and no miuk sho«ld be allowed to hold more thaxi one office ol profit, whitet lark» ehoukl b» red\>eed «nd «MHh» euiea or BopmHam\2a o®cfi» abo&&ed. PROTKCTION TO HOM£ INDUSTRIKR 7. We are in tevor of enrouraging «Ul j home aanctiltare and u*dui*tr*es, «ndali our nafave produete, like rice. coflfee,| w«wl, ahooKl beprot«cle<i aai nr<^tpi#weikiaeß; ! and»>B«ilMthed«ty ofthe<3w*. iU contjMs aiid other op^ ***** Nww I» aatiotia7pro«| W* wn. I

mcl|?ys for ihe' : - soimses ūj ,|lwlr' Self-goverßroeiA whereby,giving localitJftg r A idy m'6st importent of their loeal exesiitife. officers, aud levy taxes £or t&g jgprgjāge i eal imyr<<vemen'ts of a DubMcjoatupel . PE,OTECHON TOTHE LAEOUEIKO CLASSm 9. We sliall eHdorse ail Baess«re teadieg to improve the co»dis|®sāf the workipg elaeeee, wlth~ &dyocateJaws ts_pgffivftn4 aH l«rtbeg importetion or employinent of ecmtraetlabor o£ a»sr kisd, opeii co^ditāons whiehwill bringft in|o a miaoiia aad degradin2 eompetition faithfree Huwai or white labor. We gliall also, m the interest «£ tbe bettea« proteetio» m tbe poor, ask £or morelibera! eKemptkms of tbeir propeii;y from foreed sale oa exi ecution, aud from seizm-e in b»Bferuptcy proceodiii£S. HMALL FARMTNG ĀMO HOMĒ STEADS. ' 10. Tiie'w6althy fraction of our popolatk>n hg.veliitliertopreveßt«d the deve!opI meat of Jm ija<iependeijtdaBs ©f eiiiāene; • the public lands have been acquired aii4 have beeu tied up in a few hands or . T>areelled» to soit favoirrtoe, and small farrx?ers and bave ~beea driven ont by corporations or combmations of I capitālists *, but aB sma!l farming is eon- | dueive tothe stability of tbe Stgite, it | should» pe eneai£raged by a ijew ati<i more liberal Homestea,d act, by wheli. ; the ownei-ehip o'£ RmaJL tracte of land j and the~sett!ei&,ept ; of. our present population ~and efpeciali ( lv o£ the native līawaiians who have ! b. en left almest homelesg m therecoun-(try.-should be rendered }>oSSible. To ! ti»&t end, the Govcrnment and | laiule, < in h(> f.-.r np? ean be done witLtout vested rights ) be.devoted as soon ae possible to bonie?teBd?. and conferred upou *bona-fide settler§ ; free of taxes for a limited penod. . It shouid be the further aim of govern- ; inent to, at onee, so far improve the meana of trausport: tion, —loeal, 'hation].al and international, —as to provide, in I all the districtfi, eheap mea?is of convey- ; ing the prodoct of the eoil to m»rket. KLECTORAL RIHGT manhood, and not the of ' weak.h, arbitrarily fixod, should eon&iiI the right to vote for nobles as well i representatives, and no more power ! should he aecorded to the ba!lot of the ' rich man ihan to the ballot of the i poor man. The discrimiiiation in favor ! of wealih noWmade in our ConBtitution iia contrary to all the etern»l priucip)cs | of right and jastice. and mast be abolislied. To this eud, we wiH favor a level» ing of the preeent digūnction of weaiia $a<i, cl4sses whieh hiemieh oor laws with reepeot of the right to vote ior uo- ! blea } thereby reetoriog to the naUve Hawaiiaha privifege6 whieh j»rtain to thom m their owa oounfcry whkh tfeey}«ve ben «)«eUy depriyed. INT&HNA£ IMPROVKMEKT? 12 Wefavor tise expenditure of suilisniaa to a number of needed joUip improv«Baents onOahu andether «iwade; pehool, raiiroads aud harbors aa<! puhlie light, and also a lhorough eyatem of reservoira and water-worka» not oidy for HonohUu, bct tfarou«hKmttheothei