Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 333, 27 Nowemapa 1891 — Music and Song. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Music and Song.

The Kaumakapili Church was crowded last Tuesday evening with our music loving people, to he,ar a well seJected of vocal and instrumental music. The 'entertai nment began with an opening pieee, masterly played bv the organizer of these concerts, Mr. Wray Taylor, followed bv the authem, "Oome let us Sing.-' by the Coibbined Kawaiahao and Kaumakapili Choirs. This pieeē was en-. cojced and bro\!ight fOrth more masic from the singerg, among whom was a voice of unusual yolume; whieh with culture may be maae a jov to the home and aploasure to the listener. The Eoyal Hawaiian Orchestra, under Professor Berger. as unusually <*ood, and quite artistic. Misg Oale in lk Summer Love's Oream,' 5 was n. perfect embodiment cf the subject of her song, in appearance and voice, was so sweet, —we would say more, but we are— The accompaniment of Miss Wing and Miss McGrcw, were perfect. Tbe whole was a decided success, and Messrs Tavlor and Berger deserve the encouragement of our community for the trouble and pains whieh they bave taken in these concerts. The only objectiori we find in it is its being performed in an edifice dedicated to worship.