Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 332, 26 Nowemapa 1891 — A Dilemma. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Dilemma.

The Marshal, wbo seem io be weli understood in tbe commimitr a« the Qaeen's pet an& aclrispr, hae again felt called upon to .«et him*elf right before the publi< . It is a good thing for pu hlie servants, wh'-n plaeed.-in a āōahiiul pasition t<j nse befbrē the people and repent or explain \vhat niay appear inc'xplicable in their condHct. In tiiip light, when anyone inakes a elean breast of his errors, it shonld he uccepted as a suflicient penanee, '»*ml when with tears and . l»roini9e of fnture good behavior, j=*hould be accepted as coming from a broken spirlt and contrite beaTt. ; \ >w for tbe Marshal and his man Sndms" m under tbe baa that would &ec«3sitate an explanation are dark and trickB Are vf»in," th« public is the ? t j adge, m nog al 1 the needed ;ht on tjie i3f!ā3jUsr, tbrough tht • !uams aftho BtdUiin and A&rer- (>'•* 'its froi» an i«tei view and Bubeequent explanatione fnnn the MarsbaTj and pr± j nmablv from his •vioseph.- r Wd SJflflLpatbize witii her Majeytv, th»t jbcr name is unavoidably i connected in the puhlie mind.! a neuiniai occftra in the! officii4 ofthose whom she has speciidly fttvored against puhlie *>puiion. We hope it will bo a les#on to the Ohief Executive, toavoid farther cause for the puhlie mind t.o connoct ber, with the errora of officiab of her own making and thst <abe \ril) take ae an example the pnhlie and prival« life of Queen A'ictoria. : * . . ... .... I