Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 331, 25 November 1891 — The Police. [ARTICLE]
The Police.
We Iha&k fche P. C. A. for it« moolineee in coming forward aod ' loraing our prmciples of nalional reform. mora especially in :egard to the purging and purify-i-'S of the poliee department. This i'.iH of the government machioery ntiēd« an executive officer of sound afed intelligent judginent. We did tliat Mr. Kenyon, would furn,:Bh tlie needed talent to carry the ihee «uccessfully and ereditably. : ii the iaoti7C power seem to be at i >88» to mainlaiii the gooo staiKlof our poliee dr]mrl m»'nl. hapß.it would l>e beiter h)r Mr :s t<> uttend to thc o1!1l ..... . 11<.' 1r» to keep tiie (it»p;irllnc:i( -/K i;iKtead ot'altending overv 11u-otinjK in iho intcr<?sts of >tN b .i or ofiicia]H.