Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 330, 24 Nowemapa 1891 — Republican Ideas. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Republican Ideas.

ft soems.k> tis that the present r >ttcn ooadition of officialdom īn Hawaii, hsB eiuisec! a wide-Bpread fooling of di.ssatißfaction, and is prose!yting the m.'i£sna to republicrt«v"sm.v We kuow that this g?owfeejing is niainly due to tli6 >iirgrowth of int«lligenco among t.h« people, and whcnever the idoa ,'iia ittnY, or frfcarts in a country loval i t;> monārchical itisfcitutionB v any | u'ipj*r?cedeuted growth of Bentiment : ' .".nrds republicaniam in attnbut-1 to the iTMsman%gQ»eßt and. ;orrnption in publie affairs. That hav© furrived at & Btage of dis- \ - .tirtfiaction throughout the coun-| : ry tbat 3mpelfJ tlve peoplo tp utterj ]:u>-jraage tavorablo to republicanism j ' ; ,;s is v<;ry app»rent toany but the I * < i>ms of their own delus?ions. j S ich a state oi r'eeling never >vas j r own to exist ■ bofore amoug the | u \\vt% as af ilie. present time. j *! m v seem to be :is if were, * f * :ōng lrom a «le"p, and sudde.ilv 5 at the pr<-senl eoiulilioii of 1 īT.iīrs aiiti t he necdrv of t he hour. i We havo ofter» tri«d io oul.' i.he oxeci:tiv*> u \vay !<> mastiT' t:o« very propor or.<l oataral fe<dwhiēh io ;h;- in:n-n-ciith <•»>!,-. tnry enh|iot b • ehOi.Ue-'l. \Visdom woiiid Uie (vovyrnm*»nt to «d--\':«q tht; Kxe«:utive to rmbraeo the 1 }»omdar form of administration of| public atTaii6. Hni t<» ab*t;i;n {Voui j personal goyormnfm!. fro>n pj!itics : and from interfering with i-he «H^i-; tiruate fuiH:tious th it bolong t'> the j l>sop!e a«d to the oonftiitūtion»l j atvif«rs to ihe Oown. and Ihwa) this #w;ik«ning force to : .t» proper *phere Withat-injing' it. oeveryot a <piestjou of t H maypGBSibiy '-lioek it. foi: »j hutlUeetfee pent. np w».!i to break fort-h and :<rry j

disaster and rnm in its onwardi course over evēry impediment in j its \ray. v | We were in hopes that the model j form of government of Great Hritain would be adopted by our government. The form is republican in the fullest sense of republicanipin—a g<)vernment of the people, bv the people and for the peoChief Executive being herepitary. but subject to the will of the people. This form has been ignored. and we have in its stead, that form that 6reated a sentin!ient in ĒE(igland whieh produced a ,Cromwell. We tuay be mistaken in the murmurin^(of dissatisfaction and the* au<lible whispers for a change— -we hope we are — whieh greet u? from iinpe to time.