Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 330, 24 November 1891 — A Change Wanted. [ARTICLE]

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A Change Wanted.

coriiing to the P. C. Advertis«r. w;th whom we apree in this inelanee, a chaege is needed in the this country. This change i* ī * sed upoa the outrageous and 1, i ;faced eollueion apparent in the ex«'i ntioßB of our Jaws, by lhose to whi'ili the duties is alloted. We hn\ i'. all along feared the weakness. of our government froni the verv fir?t :.ppointments made by the - (ign: it was n<ather democratic > »ristocratic, bu.t autocratic. It w weak one. as all formations I ■ €ni; :e of principles are. There <vmld not havc been four of more mediocre abilit} r to v:n a governmeut than onr poori appointnifnt Look at! l iu'!!! ;is they are. and study them | v >11. and we feel sun' thai the j>ub-1 J i <;■ wi 11 agree with up in w hat we ] iv - iid. The condition of Ha.i.ii to-day ])rov j s our assertion <v.r''t'ct. As a be-liever in ■uiiiversal rights. forbear inaking ;mv suggestions. h !]f, leave the matter to the judglii'Mit of the public what the change| «hnll be. j