Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 329, 23 November 1891 — Page 4
This text was transcribed by: | Ruth Iwata |
This work is dedicated to: | Awaiaulu |
"E Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono."
John E. Bush.
Iuna Hooponopono a me Puuku.
MONDAY, NOV. 23, 1891.
Meeting of Temperance League.
We have been requested to announce that a meeting of the league will be held at the Y.M.C.A. Hall. We hope thaf all who are interested in temperance and good morals, will join in aid of the furtherance of this cause.
Hawaiian National Liberal Party.
Last Saturday evening this Association met, and before the appoointed hour the Old Armory was crowded to overflowing to hear addresses from Dr. Hammond, Messrs Wilcox, Nawahi, Kanealii, Pua, Capt. Ross; Kaopono of Maui, and President Bush. These gentlemen were loudly applauded throughout their addresses. A unanimous vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Hammond for his able and instructive address to the audience.
The Hall was crowded, holding about 700 to 800 people, and there were as many on the steps leading u stairs, and on the street and square outside the building who were unable to obtain a footing even on the stairway.
What are They.
It appears to be a question upon which opinions vary as to whether the present ministers are or are not a National Cabinet. It is the current belief among the working classes, that the National Party is in power, and they point with scorn and disappointment at the failure of the administration. This belief is founded in the fact that the @@en is universally believed to have dismissed the old cabinet and commissioned the new men in deference to the general wish of the majority of the people who were impatient and indignant at the insolent attitude of the then cabinet.
They having acquired power through the national movement, and solemnly pledged themselves to that party, but proved treacherously false. The new ministers, however, were not appointed as representatives of a political party, but were shuffled together under the same legordemain methods of court intrigue as prevail in the former regime. They represent nothing or nobody; no party and no policy; they are following in the exact footstep of their predecessors, and their policy is laisse faire. They have allowed the public to remain under a delusion that they were in sympathy with the Hawaiians and their allies of the National Party, but privately they have been known to say that they rely on the sugar planters for their support and are in open intrigue with them. Their abortive administration has rendered them unpopular, and those people who only see things on the surface say, the National Cabinet is a failure; the Thurstonian ministers is bad enough, the Cummins' were worse, and these fellers are worser. And this sentiment is being insidiously disseminated by the ward-heelers of the Reform Party in order to throw odium over any renewal of national politics. It is therefore necessary at the outset of this campaign for the Hawaiian National Liberal Party to announce that they repudiate the present ministry and do not recognize them as a National Cabinet.
The regenerated, and rejuvenated National Party have no confidence in the administrative abilities of the men who now hold the Queen's commission as Minister of State, not even in the gentleman from holy Boston who came to revivify the decrept and voluptuous statesman who have proved incompentent to guide the ship of state. The Boston gentleman in his long absence from these islands had not been in touch with the new men and new ideas that are moving factors in our political life, and his very attitude from the outset did not win him the confidence of either the Hawaiians or the workingmen. No, the present ministers are not a National Cabinet, but what are they?
The Nationals' Idea of a Cabinet.
It was Plato we believe, who said that "government is a special art, and like all other special arts, can be rightly exercised only by competent persons."
It has been our misfortune in Hawaii that cabinets have been formed through a species of political jugglery that has thrown together an incongruous set of men by means of back stairs influences, and hole-in-the-wall methods. that did not even have the merit of political necessity but was simply the success of personal intrigue. Never have a set of men taken office with any definitive purpose or policy, or representing any party or political intersts, or even being in perfect harmony with each other. The chairs of state have been occupied with only vague ideas as to the duties and dignities of office; and each individual minister worries his mind about petty details of routine work, while seldom has there been any concerted action in the line of a national policy.
The present and the last two administrations are probably the worst thsi country has ever witnessed for treachery, incompetence, and utter lack of statesmanship in directing the affairs of this nation. They are not selected as representative men or for their political abilities, or for any known policy of government that they had espoused. But they were shuffled together either as court favorities, or as being subservient to certain wirepulling elique, who had a "pull" at court.
We have now arrived at a period of our political existence when we have some most serious questions to face. The times call for action, earnest, vigorous and aggressive, and at the head of our affairs we want men of energy and action, political ability and knowledgte of public affairs. This is no time for trifling with the destinies of this little country; the pus and good nature of the present cabinet may be very charming between sunset and sunrise, but the business of the nation demands the abilities of men of brainy rather than animal parts, competent in the hours of daylight to devote their time to running the machinery of government with some degree of intelligence and executive abilities.
It seems to be an accepted axiom with all parties that our present executive officers do not fill the bill, and are not competent to meet the situation. When the change comes we trust the Queen will recognize the gravity of the position and guided by proper counsels will select a cabinet of competent men from the leaders of whichever party is in the majority: National or Reform; and that she will signalize her reign by recognizing the rights of a political majority and entrust the powers of government into the hand of their recognized leaders, as is done in other constitutionally governed countries. This will put an end to the bickerings, strife, jealousy and treachery resulting from the composition of a cabinet through the back stairs wire-pullers. The time has come when the people will demand that their elected representatives shall have preference over court favorites. "All power emanates from the people" is an accepted axiom of modern constitutional government, and an intelligent people are not inclined to lightly give up that power that has been granted them by the constitution. The stability of government depends upon the contentment of the people.
That the political pot is boiling.
That the Duke of Waikapu is in town.
That Julius Caesar Aseh is said to be the successful nominee for Chief Engineer of the Fire Department of Honolulu. We wish him success.
That many of our foremost men, Hawaiian and foreign are in favour, of republican sentiments, owing to the filthy condition of our government as at present managed.
That the New York Sun, a leading American daily paper says, that the English Commissioner has the "pull" on the Queen, through Sandy.
That when Rosa gets roseate he tells some astonishing things, especially that the action of the Queen implied revolution, and that the mechanics were not to be trusted with the election of "officials." Rah! Rah!
That the Elele is publishing a platform as the Hui Kalaiaina"s when there has been no meeting of that body since it assembles last in the Old Armory, five or more weeks ago when they adopted the "declaration of principles" published in thsi paper.
That KA LEO is in the P.C. Abvertiser in suppressing vice and immorality, commencing with opiumr rings and sovereign boodlers.
That Celso C. Morono says that we have a Cabinet maker in a burly blacksmith, who has the pull on the Queen, and directs the peonmiserable Cabinet.
That Uncle Sam has nine points possession in Hawaii, without any effort of the part of that Government.
That the Mechanics' Union is the first after KA LEO to Complement Mrs. Theresa Cartwright, presenting her with a bouquet of flowers, for the excellent two cent stamp which bears her likeness. Bellezza del Cielo.
That J. Mott Smith is in Washington to pull wool over Uncle Sam's eyes, having all sorts of impossible gifts to offer for the purpose of favoring his own and his friends interests.
That Dr. Hammond says that our friends are worshiping both the golden calf and golden image, of old testament history.
That only two of the Presidents of the Hui Kalaiaina's District Branch Associations came in obedience to the call from President of the central Body, They have denounced the main Hui for affiliating and following the lead of the "boodlers" in the Mechanics Union, one of them stating at the meeting of the Hawaiian National Liberal Party, that they are with the latter and will so make a report to their constituents.
Platform of Principle
1. We deem that all Government should be founded on the principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity; we hold that all men are born free and equal before the law and are endowed with inalienable rights to life, to liberty, to propertp, to the pursuit of happiness and to self-protection against arbitrary concentration of power, irresponsible wealth, and unfair competition. We believe that just government exists only by the consent of the People. and that, when it becomes necessary for the public welfare, they may abolish existing forms and establish more advantageous and equitable system; and, as the present Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom never has had the approval of the People, but was establisded by intimidation and fraud for the benefit of a certain class, therefore, we favor the adoption of a new and more liberal Constitution, to truly secure a Government of the People, by the People and for the People.
4. A more just and perfect system of Taxation must be inaugurated. to abolish the present inequalities, by which the property of the poor is excessively taxed, while much of the rich man's goods are under-valued for assessment or entirely escape taxation; we shall therefore demand the passage of laws that will more effectually subject the property of corporations and rich citizens to their just proportion of public burdens, while granting more liberal exemptions to the poor; and as a means of discouraging the locking up of large tracts of uncultivated lands, a differential tax should be levied in addtion to the usual assessment on valuation, which should be in proportion to the fertility of the soil. We shall also favor the establishment of a graduated income tax, and thus expect to obtain ample funds for conducting the government and attending to all necessary public improvements without any further calls on the masses.
5. We shall use our efforts to obtain laws by which all favoritism in the government and all monopolies, trusts and privileges to special calsses shall be rendered impossible, by full, definite and mandatory statutes.
6. Better laws should regulate the Civil Service. The principle of the election of officers of the goverment by the people should be established, and no man should be allowed to hold more than one office of profit, whilst salaries should be adequate compensation for the services rendered. All excessive salaries should be reduced and all ai@@cures or superfluous offices abolished.
8. We desire a @nere liberal policy towards the different Islands of the Kingdom, outside of Oahu; they should receive a fairer proportion of the public moneys for the development of their resources and the satisfaction of their wants. In fact, the principle of local Self-government should be extended, whereby giving localities may choose the most important of their loval executive officers, and levy taxes for the purpose local improvement of a public nature.
9. We shall endorse all measure tending to improve the condition of the working classes, and consequently, without injuring any vested rights, we will advocate laws to prevent all further importation or employment of contract labor of any kind, upon conditions which will bring it into a ruinous and degrading competition with free Hawaiian or white labor. We shall also, in the interest of the better protection of the poor, ask for more liberal exemptions of their property from @@@@ @@@ on execution, and from seizure in bankruptcy proceedings.
10. The wealthy fraction of our population have hitherto prevented the development of an independent class of citizens; the public lands have been acquired and have been tied up in a few hands or parcelled to suit favorites, and small farmers and planters have been driven out by corporations of combinations of capitalists; but as small farming is conducive to the stability of the State, it should be encouraged by a new and more liberal Homestead act, by which the ownership of small tracts of land and the settlement thereon of families of our present population, - and especially of the native Hawaiians who have been left almost homeless in there country, - should be rendered possible. To that end, the Government and Crown lands, (in so far as can be done without invading vested rights) should be devoted as soon as possible to homesteads and conferred upon bona-fide settlers free of taxes for a limited period.
It should be the further aim of govermnent to, at once, so far improve the means of transportation, - as to provide, in all the districts, cheap means of conveying the product of the soil to market.
11. We hold that upright and honest manhood, and not the possession of wealth, arbitrarily fixed, should consti- the right to vote for nobles as well as representatives, and no more power should be accorded to the ballot of the rich man than to the ballot of the poor man. The discrimination in favor of wealth now made in our Constitution is contrary to all the eternal priinciples of right and justice, and must be abolished. To this end, we will favor a leveling of the present distinction of wealth and classes which blemish our laws with respoect of the right to vote for nobles, thereby restoring to the native Hawaiians privileges which pertain to them in their own country, and of which they have been unjustly deprived.
12. We favor the expenditure of sufficient sums to secure a number of needed public improvements on Oahu and other Islands: school, railroads and harbors and wharves, public light, and also a thorough system of reservoirs and water-works, not only for Honolulu, but through-out the other Islands.
LADIES wishing their feathers dyed or cleaned and curied can have it done by MRS. WERTHERN. 163 Beretania Street.
LADIES wishing to purify their complexion and eradiate tan and freckles will be instucted by MRS. WERTHERN free of charge. 163 Beretania Street past the Armory. 317 - d3m
Public Notice.
Know all men by this notice that from and after this date, I have this day discharged Mr. H. C. Ulukou, from acting as an agent, for me in any sense whatever, in the charge and administration of all my property, and in the collection of all dues and rents upon any and all my estate in this kingdom.
Any one who holds or is in possession of any property or who has any @@@@@ or payments to make, will @@@@ the @@@ with me personally at my place at Honnagaha, at Honolulu, Oahu --
per Joe. NAWA@
Honolulu Nov. 3, 1891. d-3ms.