Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 328, 20 November 1891 Edition 02 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
iajdienabli n^te and W y©l|-protect«>n agafo;st ?«»iieeiiirafciq& $f $6W£r, weslth, aiad tm£air compētitii?o. lieve that yasb gof¥emnaent £&jsist o#iy\ by the conseac o£ tbe Feople t v *«&i:#ikr, wheu it heeomea £<?p tbe j|«blic weifare, they may aWigh .exHsgaagf focrnis sui4 €Btablish mOrQ advlytt|ageouß imd e§uitable gystem; aiwi, as4t*e jpreof tfae liawaiiaaa JCsBg» dom never has had the apj»roYal o£ the People, hut was establisded by iniam*dation and fra«d for the beiieSt ol a <prtam dass f tlM?Tefore we lavor the ado|»tion of a new and raore Goif etitution, to traly secure a Govermaent. ©/ the People, % the People and /orTfie~ People. TAXATIOS 4. A moie* juet and perfect Taxation must be inaT%urated, S»als«b lish the present inequalitieg, by wliieh the propertv of the peor is excessively tax«d, while mueh of the ridb mn'a goods are under»value& for asseßsmeiit oe entirely eeeape .we ehail therefore dema&d the passage cJ l&w® that will more effeetually sub|ect the f«ropei*ty of corporatichs and rwafe cltizens to their jtfflt propo?tioii of puhlie burdens. whPe grantaag more 'Hhiaaa exemptionā to tfie poor; ahd as a meas& of discouraging the loeki»g up of large tracts of uncuftivated lands, a differential taxshoHld be levied m additiou to the ueual sfesessmenJ ©u valuation.which. ehould be in proportion to the fertility of the fioil. We shall also favor th« eetablighment of a graduated ineome-tax T and thus expect to obtain ample fundf? for conducting the government and attending td all necessarv puhlie improvements without any further calls on the masses. MONOPOLIBS 5. We shall use our efforts to obt«.ui laws by whieh all favoritism in the goverhment and all monopolies, trusts and privileges to sp«cial elaāsc»s Hhall be rendered impossifcle, by full„ defmite and mandatory f?tatutes. 6. Better laws should regulate the Ci\ul Service. The principle of -the j tion of ofiicers of the governiiieut by the people shou!d be-established, and no man should .be allowe<l to hold raore than one office of profit, whilst §alarieg should be adaquate compenaation far the sarviees ren<fersL AU excessive salaries should be redueed and siH sinecuree or eupersuous ofhce» aboliBhed. PROTECTION T0 HOMmiN7. We are in favor of encouraging all home agriculture aad induetries, andsUi onr naltve pl-oeluele, Mke rics, .***& tobae«v ®te- should be TaT»tofeted aad by t>roper 5 mid alsQ.it must d© the duty ol līte mmt> in jts ccmtraets and o&er <$era* to giva prele««nco to na£icaa&l (ittcte over ifai)ortedones. PXJBLIC SERVANTS. LOCAL SBLF-a<)VKRNMBNT . 8. We deßire a more liberal policy towards the diffemnt Islandß of the Kin.Erot Oahu; they should receive a fairer proportion of the tmblic moneys for the developnient of their resonrces and the satisfactirn of their warfts. In fact, the piineiple of loeal Self-goveniinent ehouid be extended, whereby ghinglocalities may choose the moyt impQrtaat of their loeal executive officers, and levy taxes for the pnrpope 1 eal im*>rovemeats of a puhlie u&ture. PROTECTIO3 TOTHK LABOUKIN<i CLASBES 9. We shall endor?e all niensurf tending to improve the condition ot the working da.<sef, and con?c»quent!v, without injuring any vestod rights. Ve \vfll advocate laws to prevent «U fiuther importation or emjployme«t of coutractlabor of a»v kiml, u}>on conditkn)s whieh will hring it into a ruim»ns"aud competitiou with free llawai ian or white labor. We iihall also, m the iuterest of the better protection oi the poor?ask for n»oro liberal exemptions of their property from forced sale 011 ex«cution, aud frora f?eisture in bankruptcy procecdinsrs.