Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 328, 20 November 1891 Edition 02 — Universal Suffrage. [ARTICLE]

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Universal Suffrage.

While the P. C. Advertiser £action are in a qtlandair as to whftt to do or say, j«st now on the qaestion of snffrage, the 'Bnsti-Wil-cox faefeion" 18» on the contrary, censisfcent and ever readv todeclare

their principies without equiyocation on!y one ohject in view, equal rights. fn all thm£s temporal and Bpiritu.il the Nationai Hawaiian t.iberal Farty, to whieh the "Bush-\Yiicox faetioiv' aro only a j)art, ar<: of ono mind. Th«i!y elaini, an<L what they elam» they readi!v to aM. -,that ■ every m«ii uhois a v .\-idftnt entitled to a vot» j wiMi a>:y other inan. They are and iia\-e al>vays )>een snppoi*te.rs ;um( advoev«teH of univer.sāl sitffrage. They are uot in favor of giving tho fr«nehise to a man who in aiuong iV>v a dav, nnd is ;»vyay t-hn next. • Ali that t|i«; -'Bi;sh - Wil'eo^ 1 " faelion wants 38 nnivet6al whieh was, ami we hope will be, pne of tl»e pJanks 6f the uiaifonn of the Nationaiistgi.