Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 328, 20 November 1891 Edition 02 — In Hawaii nei. [ARTICLE]

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In Hawaii nei.

There is a certain thgt the nnmes of ( Royaltv should be spoken with bntfdbreath. ihink so read and inwardly digost - what is saw about. the good Qiwm Vie. andher Family>— "The amount of the Queen'sciril list, £882.000," says Labouchere, j the editor of the London Truth, 'in | no way rep?esents tcost of royahy. > The fnaintenaiī©e of palaces is a most «ostly item, for it includqs notonlythe plaoes mhabited by the sovemgtt, but a vast,number of houses in whieh she lodges her relativos «Uml friends. One of theae aoases hag actually been given to the ī>up de a son of Louig Philippe,' and <me of the wealthiest of the Orleag& family. Besides this, there ia tfce hnilding and keeping in repair of royal 3 T achts, and various other such costly items. are voted to the sons and" daughters of the sovereign and to other of her relatives. In addition to the revenues of the Duchy of Cornw»ll, amounting to about £60,000 per annum an ineome of £20,000 per annum has been voted to the Prince of Wales. and of £10,000 per anuum to the Princess of Wales. The younger sons of the Queen have been voted incomes of £25,000 per annum a nortion of whieh devolves upon their wivesif they gurviye them. The daughters of her Majesty .have eaeh an ineome of £6000 per annum and in addition tothis Emi)ress Frederick of Gtermāny received a sum of £100,000 on her marriage. The Dute of Cambridge, as a eouain of the Queen, kas £12,000 per annum and Ms twp_sisters have severally annunf>—For^m.