Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 320, 20 Nowemapa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That Cbaii!e'si<lea of Joy4Uy i$ to creep and suhmit t6 theExcutive and the admmistration. That the Hawaiian Opvernment would Kke t6 get a deeejot sovereign from the Enj*lish gentlemen< - who earry thtm in. their pookgts. TKat pinei the $35,000 bood]e, . a ccrtain-gefj[tihā:> fclt vcry anxioits to have a coat-of-arms on cnff bf his That Mr. C. W. A shibr<l -U' bccoming ever.yi day a"promihen't.can?didate for Legislativ.e honors, -and ,from his poptilarity āmohgtbe Ha-waiian-s, is li.kely to be a ;,9ne.., £ ih_- m ; ;• - v • * . Tis"afc -.Ihē: ldeeisibn irt thf* suit' : 'aguirvst Xl\v^|owner . of the ~fcagie has b"eēn decicied in their fa>vor, 4nd • the V*ess6l Jeft } r esterday afternō?#i.A su.it is ;be. iwstituted agāinßt 'the govemment as th"e result of of,Jicial ineompjitency. % . That the|result of the opiuiL : sm\igg]ing is! seen in the retiring ,of a cērtain ebiploy ee of a ccrtaih; j stea.mship Cpmpany arid the settir»g up ofjbhkt gentleman in busi- ; ness inside ;ef the Golden Gate. But it will jdissolve about. as it eauae. That at a iaeeting of t.he Excutive . Committee of the Mechanic's Union, the name of Mr. .B, was propo§ed as a Jcandidāte for Noble or Hepi resenfcive. The propositi(jn seei«ed to receive fay<«r, espect with one of the Committee mea, wh«iaid, that. the gentiemen had shown what kind of a man thenominee was,in the wsir
he had treated Hon. M(jCarthy,— wtmt tbis nioant. we hardly know — porhar>a Ihe puhlie does.