Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 327, 19 November 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
30TICK LAOIEB wibUiug tlt«r 4yei or eleaneO uk} rorted ean jt doee by MKS. WEBTHKRN. l&jfet*ettQ& 55tP«6t. . .!■■*«' LAI>IEH wiehin* to imrifr tkoir eoeiaael cradi*te te& aad wiil he fistaeted byM!t& freo o{ charge. the Arixkary. , : K*ow4Uttieii&y lfeis froai '* lfc£»*tt<Kg* «tesaA Hr. H. €. **ue mte fcr «*e i* <wy w«r» ia thec}»»rge aod &dmfoksgre&>e ofrtl«ay jirop«rty, a&di«i tlt» *&&&>* oi all dn*e «Ml iMa wmm aaV M *D m3f «ste»i» lu thls ****»». Aayoae w&>M<t!torfem a»y r to T"T% ii? irtiif lio m «r>j hmīmm* or «i **• H Am**)», aMI«. KAHO4ANI, vv^;