Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 327, 19 November 1891 — Be Honorable. [ARTICLE]
Be Honorable.
Tbe utter reckle«Bness and ap- * laōk of principle in the T. v. rti9er,- in lyi»g about the ;; Ci!ssl\-\V iiēox fāctīon," for the pur- ! pose of theai up as terrible -xamplefl of what ifi tf rmed "reac r ti<Vnary,"- in well exemplified and ei posed by the letter of Mr. C. W. Ashford in Tuesday morning's is»ue. The complete expose, maUe froao &IvertiBer , B owa uttmnce3 v at tiraes v shows th» laek of houonihle journaJmm p&l low demagogisln mto \vhich thet is wiilmg to Jend itself to ia aitaeking men who «re oppos> ed to tbem on difiercnt gi*ounde of beliof in the adminjBtration of our i&uk*. 'ihe A<}vertis&\ the first and tho loud4f.«st to aocuse others of demais «howfi up in Mr. AflhfofdVlsltfer to be f ho f iher of de* iuagogjBi"n arid «f Tt lo be ioiposfcib!e for that patake np die discussion of duy in the politic9 sf tl*e eoun»; U y «rithput beip£ & pure demagooeoe3sitafed to beoiie for laek • r moral 3tamia to forgo -proftt for > dnciole. - wonder, thal ihe oieh, wi«> part wilh tbe P. 0. Advertiser 4 hava lost the oonli- • ©f the people when they have < Hii eirontery io demand leg«iia-
■ : -m to flood the cooTrfcrT with eheap 3 s>atic laborers, who care nothing i>i tbe fiffcy dol!arts bondwhieh they give m a#Burancu to rettlrn to Uieir owo country in case they declinfi to re-contract, and by ev»sitm of the la w become corapetitors with the meehaniep and workinsonen of the In tbe :u*ticie of Tuesday'a issue devoted to Mr. ash£ord's letter, we fail iln4 one word of ai>ology to MesBrs Wilcox, Baker, WAipuiiani, White, Kaimlii, aad <he large iiuiaher of otherg of their party who are maHgned. Au honest afjoiog3'for inj«ry inf!tcted is not i»firt of tho good naanners cultivated bv the Advertiser management we rogret to «ay.