Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 325, 17 November 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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30TICRf " , f.ADI£S wi«?hfrig their leaihm #ye<J or rlean«Hi a»d eoried <*i> have ik 4oo* MRS. WEHTHEUN. 103 Straet. LAWKB wiehir»« to th«r plenuon «ml cradiate tan and wi» li6 instactedbVMßS. W£KTHfiKN froe of m\ Bemanīa St&S6i th«» 4rmorc. 317— P«bh> Noiie*. .» Knv»u oU mtm by tkk irom *n<iafter thle d*to, I haw thfe <ttso.harjre«l Mr. H. 0. til9koB» frui neUan a» lu» ff*r i#*ny sea*f> vhatt Ycr, in thnrhorge and *dmmlßtx«Hoa •>t all my properiy t «ik! io tbe oUI«ir(»oii oi &fi ilue* aini rexit» upoe any awi aH my dBUte iu ihis kin^iku, -Any oae wUo hoi<Js orK>iu of anv propwty or who Ka» aay 01 payu*eats to «uU», wilk tr*a«Baei U*> *utt« wiUi m* p&r«BM&ll>. my pl««v »t HoM!aik*h», ftt Houekilu, imlliu. KAMIM.ANI pm Jo»v Nttw.Mii. 4-3*.