Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 325, 17 Nowemapa 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That Mr. Kenyon ie not a eandidate for Legislafcfte honors, ajnd his elforfe to help the fifth district is only as a tax-payer.

That the o@cers of the Athletkr Association? old Boldiez« of the Ref<»m League of 1887. We hope they will not forget, in their efibrt grow muscular, the oae of in <&se of an uprising in the

L. Wilcox ie not a eandtdate flar Legisiative hot»ors, bnt lua āaly*Beooiid eouain Hr. R. W. Wi!cox is.

That a Hawaiian haa been appoiated throtigh thc of a butcher, another through the lafluence e£aai o®cial, and anoter through the inAuenee of Eliza to fee customs guardfe.

That fchc Dark Reform Hor»e is to be run in the present campaign % a couple of boodle jockeys with the National Colors, with the assist* anee of a nmnher of Unioaist. That a nf pnlit.rp.aV are en«ieavoring to obtain a noinination, and thifilt to get it byjoining tlie Union, and sneaking aro«nd the Hui Kal&iaina. Thesft fevv are from both classes, and they are tho kind that uro alwavs ready to make a hargain. I do, von help, me sabe !

Th;it PhiUii>3 wa* seen on the street emhraced by Tenny. ? Tk good, said the Shepkerd„King. before he was King, for breihreii to d\vell togeth'!r iti mvity.

That tbe JS'ati<nial :Jje:igui» is to !>e bought, up by and by. the Union is to be bought now, if not :ilready gobbled u }> in the iiiterest ofcertain few member*, wlio assume to make all future :trrangeir.ontß f>]- the Union.

Th;it f.he :iHtiveB ou liie Cr-nvn Larid>? l«asedHo 4breigners are getting a poinlei' frorii the landlord. Some of t)ie t enHiits h»ve to pay aisty days Uibor ur si xty dojlarst.>r the ewe©t prmleg*> of t&isttng o» Crown property leased to tavorites iustead of by auction s»lf it should be.

That &be auly djfferc-i)ce bel«r<*m a lawycr and an is.ftboat ihe aame m tbat be%f?een a ltoo> dii« anii at\ aiHgatdr, ■— f% bbtb take m all thev catj.

That a ibur reui u.s a <lays ago nnd d\ily "vV >oft ausvm- v\irriuth aWay wrath." ;

That a <ierfam nniik«nHre uievcbant oi\ Quean Str*et, refusod l«> nllow a ptff>r woniaa and her ehildren io r«uiaiu ia one of his. houeodv on Nuuanu Street, a tenant, feecausc bier rent iapsed a iew d<\?s. Puro religion :ind undefiled befbre Uod i* thim "To viait ihe iath«r* h i ssar.<i widu\V!i *n their aAiieikma. 1

That i.f. Tweniy Uomriiissioners for th« W6rki*s Fair at ouly throe Hawaiians are agipoinl- : e*l on H, —and they do «\ot repre- : sent tho Hawaiian peopiii or eenlinuuii 'i'iie counliy virtual)y &£uiexe<l t4j foc\itgntrt> avc\>niing (o this.

That Qogfa&iß Bepartment cials are beisff Btjbgfcitoted by m* otber set of officials, who wlll be equally as smart m a short iiine in tbe di3charge of thelr <fe|tiel

7ha& &1s tāj&dn&y of the Minia'tero£ to appoint the ( ®lectoral who ēh&!i p±smine the R4egiste* of voters betweeo the lst day o€ Ootober a&d the Soth day of Nov<ember, in eaeh year ioamediat€ly preceding a general eleetion. Not seeiiig any notiee or refereace to this matter, we give the hmt tō tbe M|Ti:ster to repii|id. him of thie very important function.

That a young Hawaiian bom lawyer» ,believing the natWee were dividedy iradertaojE tf» olEtain the Co9fceeat*>f Mfj S. lia&oon», to mn none but forelgners for nobles aod representatives except Mr. Kahoonei. The game is to split, brifeery will be the next thing." lt is a tKXwr eauee that has to stoop to dirty waye md means to help it.