Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 324, 16 November 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That monopliea wiil catch sheoi m the next Legislatare. That a certttin Brown is being banke<3 «p by a banking eorperation for Minister of Finance. lt's a paiy if it Ī8 to. i Tha.t two Bohemian vases,broughfc here in a vessol under a clond, wns accepted by her Majesty a. few ago, froni utter strangers, aīnd'pregented through a party who hate been suspected for years as ān opiam boodler. Thatoneofthe lessons tō uiake good citizena is temperance, so tbe t4 Doctor" reeommepds, and so we a2ree, and for that rēsson published a true story on Uiai subject tlfat may help llie yoang and o!d That |beeau6e George dr6ve ā cab onee, he receives no c*edit/2t aM fer th« work done by ; him f ; Tan£alng Hill while two eii»eiiors< #ho ha?B scareeiy ee«n the work, reeeive more than tbeir share in, thepublic pri»ts. While rendering to Cc£sar, - let ns not forget Coesar's man. That a certain Honolulu lawyer will take gold only forfee; the other day the legal luminary wae out, and upon his return noticed souie iiltby silver lwcre in the tiil t anel railed at the elerk, who responded» Bir, I took ali the money Uie telient had." •• Oh„ then/ ah % tbat will do, M smiling as h£ h«hp hip hat. That Tax Assessor C. A Krown is a candidate for Ministēr of Finan«*e in the event of a change, by death or oth#rwise % so mote it be. .The pioplo have nothmg in eommon with a governtnent of iQono|H>lists; but ror popuU will seo them later. That some would-be would do better if tbey got off the rail, and show themFelves a? railsplitters instead of rail-eittarg, otherw wisethey wil! die hung on a rail ineteadof with au bwor«d to hand down to posterity, That tbe t4>mporary d*pressio» i« trade is bound to develop other resources that wil! revive *?***, whieh we ho[>e will be bailt 01» ;something healthier than A«iath* j labor. Kw» labor ip what we n*aat. i i Thai souw peopk» on IC&us\ are 1 atraid tbat D. C. wili £tv* *way the Uml grab «yatei& on Kauai, &i>d the- tbu»nb*screw eiwroiw with the landlortis up t>m ta»a«t9 h> !W right ?